“Yo, ladies, what’s up?!” I hear Rhett say and when I look at who he’s talking to, there stands all the girls in our friend group. My eyes go right to the only one I care about, the only one I want.
She’s staring at me and smiling, her witch costume fucking adorable. She offers me a small wave, and I wave back. She steps closer. “Hey! Nice costume.”
“You like it? I thought it was pretty cool.”
“Remind me who you are again?”
Lennox laughs, and holy shit, did I miss that sound. “I like it.”
“Are you drinking tonight?” I nod toward her cup. “Just curious, not that it matters,” I rush to say. Fuck, I’m embarrassed. Why the hell ask her anyway?
“No, it’s just water. I’m taking a much-needed break.”
“I don’t blame you. I’m taking it easy myself tonight. Hangovers seem to get worse the older you get.”
“I’d have to agree with you on that.”
Suddenly, Everleigh and Maia barge between us. “C’mon, Lenny! You need to dance with us!” Maia says and tugs on Lennox’s arm.
“Well, guess I gotta go. See you around?” She smiles, her green eyes shining, and my damn knees buckle.
Fuck. The hold this girl has on me.
I nod, and then she’s gone. Again.
I leave the party alone.
Midterms come and go,and soon, we’re getting ready for Thanksgiving break. I plan on working straight through it without celebrating. It’s just another day on the calendar to work on my video game. All of my roommates are headed home, which gives me lots of quiet time.
When the holiday finally arrives, it passes quickly while I do my best to keep myself busy. On Saturday night, the day after Black Friday, I’m walking up the pathway to our apartment building when I see Lennox standing outside. My heart skips a beat at the sight of her.
Should I turn and walk the other way? Go back to my car and wait until she’s inside?
Her hands are full with a duffel bag over one shoulder and shopping bags hanging off both arms. I can’t just not help her with them.
“Whoa, need some help?” I ask as I walk up behind her.
When Lennox sees me, her entire face lights up, and of course I notice. I notice every little thing about her. I can’t get enough. “Holden! Perfect timing! I’d love some help.” She hands me the shopping bags. “Thank you so much.” She unlocks the door, and I follow her inside.
“Did you come back early from break?”
“Yeah. I went home on Wednesday and just got back. Of course my mom and I had to do a little Black Friday shopping.” She grins.
My mood lifts while listening to her talk and being cute. She’s glowing and looks happy.
“Oh yeah? Got anything good for me in there?” I joke.
She giggles, and her cheeks flush red. Since when does my little firecracker get so shy?
It just makes me fall in love with her even more.
“Maybe…” She winks, and I swear, my stomach drops to my feet.
When we reach her door, I place the bags down by her feet. I don’t want to just invite myself in. I take a step back and offer her an awkward wave. “Good seeing you, Len. As always.” I turn and head for the stairs.