Page 70 of Broken

“Why is it okay you punched me? You broke my fucking nose, Dad!” I yell, and he steps closer.

“I can do whatever the hell I want to you. You wouldn’t be anything without me, so be grateful I fucking gave your useless ass life.”

His words stab me like a knife right through the heart. Fuck this. I don’t need this shit.

He continues to point and yell in my face, and I try to hold myself back, but I can only take it for so long. Everyone has a breaking point, and I’ve officially reached mine.

Without thinking, I yell, “I hope you die!” Before I can get away, his hand slams down on my shoulder, and I yelp from the sharp pain now radiating down my arm.

I jerk away as hard as I can, and I see from the corner of my eye that he falls to his knees.

He grabs at his chest and makes a choking sound. My mother screams as she rushes over to him. I step back, too stunned to speak.

“What are you doing, Holden? Call 911!”

I blink and fumble for my phone, pulling it out of my pocket.

“Hold on, love. I’m getting you help.”

My father is now slumped on the floor with my mother above him. She kisses him and then glares at me. “Are you calling? What the fuck, Holden? Your father is right. You are an idiot! Look what you caused.”

I turn my back on my mother’s screams and tell the operator what’s going on and the address. I hang up the phone and call over my shoulder, “Help is on the way.” Then I walk to the door.

“You’re leaving?! Are you fucking kidding me right now?”

I open the door. A huge part of me tells me to stay. It’s my father, it’s my blood, it’s my family.

But blood doesn’t make a family, does it?

“If you walk out that door, don’t ever come back!” my mother screams through her sobs.

I close my eyes, breathe, and open the door. The ambulance arrives, and paramedics rush in.

I take one last look before I leave and drive back to Sierra Cove.



“So Lennox,what are you looking to get out of therapy?” Sue, my new therapist, asks me during our first session together.

I look down at my lap and play with the hem of my shirt.

“It’s okay if you don’t have an answer yet. We can figure it out together.”

When I meet her gaze, she smiles at me, a warm genuine smile. She seems like she truly cares about helping me. Looking around her office, I take in the warm, cozy feel with her plush couch and lots of pillows. A candle burns on her desk in a relaxing scent of lavender.

I start slowly with Sue, and the more we meet, the easier it becomes to open up to her. Most of my summer is spent doing sessions with her and working on the traumatic events. We also start EMDR therapy, which helps those suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.

It’s hard, especially on the days I don’t feel like talking, don’t want to work through any of the pain. But I always feel better after.

My parents have been amazing and so supportive. My dad only wished I told him sooner so he could have a good reason to leave that place. He told his boss “fuck you” and quit on the spot. He said nothing about what his son did to me. But that’s only because we’re biding our time.

Once I was ready, we pressed charges. My parents were there for me every step of the way. We didn’t even need to spread the word. The town did it for us.

The best part was watching their world crumble from the inside out. Word spread of what Aaron did to me, of his dad being a liar and a cheat, and he’s even been accused of fraud within his own company.

His wife took off, and his business fell apart.