Page 64 of Broken

“Hey, what’s up?”

“Yo. Any news on Lennox?”

“No. Nothing. How was your fraternity event?”

“Boring. But listen, Lennox is okay. I saw her.”

“You saw her? Where?”

“At a store up here, where I came for my event.”

“What the hell? Didn’t you say it was like two hours away?”

“Yep. She drove up here and is staying in a hotel. She needed to get away, I guess. But she promised me she’d head back to campus soon.”

“Well, she’s not back yet. At least not that I know of.”

“She’s okay, though. That’s the important part. But I can’t imagine what she’s going through. I couldn’t even look that motherfucker in the eye this weekend. Thankfully, he dipped out early because I was ready to beat his ass.”

“I know. He’s been tormenting her since freshman year. Those times she ran from parties upset, I have a hunch it was him. I just wish I knew…”

“I hear you, but it is what it is. I’m glad we know now so we can keep the piece of shit away from her.”

“Did he follow her here on purpose? Fuck, man, I don’t know how much longer I can hold off.”

“Talk to Lennox first. Find out what she’s comfortable with. Once we know, we can make a plan to ruin this clown. I want him out of the fraternity and kicked out of school. Who knows who else he’s violated.”

“Thanks, man. I appreciate all the help.” He’s stepping up as a real one right now, and my trust with him strengthens. He may be a dick, but he doesn’t mistreat women, no matter how much of a player he is.

“Don’t thank me. We’re all friends. I know I can be a dick sometimes, and I’m sorry. It’s all in good fun. Lennox and I are a lot more alike than either one of us cares to admit.”

I laugh. “You know what, that’s a good point. You two are.”

“Right?” Landon chuckles. “I told her that, too. Don’t think she liked it too much.”

“Not surprised.”

“I know you like her, dude. More than you want to admit.”

Leave it to Landon to figure shit out before everyone else. Or at least admit to it. “What? What are you talking about? We’re just friends.”

“It’s easy to see. The way you light up when you talk about her, or how worried you’ve been. I get it. Those feelings fucking sneak up on you. Especially when you’re fucking.”

“Yeah, I like her.As a friend.”

“Okay, whatever, man. It’s no big deal. She’s a catch. You’d have to be blind not to see that. Anyway, I’ll be there soon. Later, bro.”

The phone call ends, and I’m left staring at my textbook but not taking any of the words in.

I know you like her, dude. More than you want to admit.

It’s no big deal. She’s a catch.

Nah, this is Landon saying this. He’s probably talking his usual bullshit. But if he knows, if he was able to see it, who else can?

No. I know how I feel, and that’s what matters. Lennox and I are nothing more than two friends helping each other out.

Deny, deny, deny.