Page 60 of Broken

“No, she’s not. Is she still not home?”

Everleigh walks in and closes the door behind her. The three of us sit in the living room, Landon and Everleigh on the couch and me in the recliner. “No. She left after our fight last night, and her phone’s been off since.”

“You two had a fight?” I ask.

“Yeah. I heard her yelling at you, and when you left, I went in to check on her. She told me Aaron raped her.”

My back stiffens. A wave of nausea runs over me, soon replaced by stifling anger. “What?” I explode and jump to my feet.

“Back in high school. But she wouldn’t tell me anything else. I was upset she never told me and felt sick that I hung out with that asshole, that all of us have. But how could we have known? Then I got caught up in my own head and said some stupid shit. She called me a selfish bitch and walked out.”

“Ouch,” Landon says. “But what the actual fuck? Aaron raped Lennox in high school? What a worthless, poor excuse of a human.”

I pace back and forth, my mind on overdrive.

Lennox was raped?

My mind starts connecting the dots.

She stopped writing. She stopped reading.

Just a girl who had big plans and the world destroyed them…

“Wait until I see that motherfucker,” I snap, my fists clenching in and out.

Landon stands up and puts a hand on my shoulder. “Relax, let’s not do anything rash while we’re upset.”

“Rash? That fucking asshole deserves everything coming to him!”

“I know he does,” Everleigh chimes in, “but Landon’s right. We need to calm down and talk to Lennox first. Find out if she even wants us to confront him. Apparently, he likes to talk shit, considering what he said. The last thing we need is for him to spread more rumors. Lennox has enough shit to deal with already.”

“What was up with him saying that anyway? Lennox has never accused anyone of anything.” I cross my arms and sit back down.

“Aaron’s not going to make himself look bad. If I know anything about him, he’s a cocky fuck. Of course, he’ll blame everything on Lennox. He’s that type of guy,” Landon answers. “And while he was a cool frat guy to hang out with, I never thought he was a rapist. Just assumed he was a cocky meathead.”

“Fuck! This is all so messed up.” I run my hands through my hair and pull at the strands.

“Am I that bad of a friend that Lennox felt she couldn’t tell me?” Everleigh quickly wipes her eyes, but the tears still fall anyway.

“No, she hasn’t told anyone. But a lot of things are starting to make sense,” I say.

“Like what?” Everleigh asks.

“The partying and the revolving door of guys, the not caring, the needing to escape. She’s running from the pain that she never dealt with,” I answer.

Both Landon and Everleigh look at me with an odd expression on their faces.

“What? I’ve spent a lot of time with her recently…”

Landon winks at me. “We know that’s right.”

“I’ll take a walk around campus today and check her usual spots,” I say.

“I’ve already called campus police. And I’ll go with you,” Everleigh says.

“I’ll help too,” Landon chimes in.

We agree to meet in an hour and start our search.