Page 40 of Broken

I’m so stupid.

I knew this wouldn’t work.

I knew the rules would break. They were probably broken before we even started…

But as much as I know I need to stay away from him, it won’t happen. That much I’m sure of.

“So what’s up?I feel like it’s been so long since we all got together,” Everleigh says at dinner later that night. I’m sitting in a booth next to her with Maia and Chloe across from us. Madison decided not to come back and take the rest of this school year off as she grieves the loss of her twin brother. I hope she decides to return for our senior year.

“Yeah, my schedule is hectic,” Maia says as she looks at the menu. “I still wonder what made me think advanced chem would be fun.”

“I tried to tell you that,” I say to her. “Chemistry in high school was bad enough, never mind college level chem, never mindadvancedcollege level chem. You must have to memorize the periodic table or some shit.”

Maia groans. “Don’t remind me. It’s on the fucking final.”

“You’ve got this, Mi. We already have half of it down.” Everleigh comforts her, but here’s the thing—Everleigh probably already knows it. She’s one of those who doesn’t have to study. She looks at something once and instantly has it memorized. I wasn’t surprised in the least when she said she was taking advanced chem.

“I would flunk. Badly,” Chloe chimes in. “My schedule is hectic, too. I’m ready for summer break.”

“I’ll cheers to that.” I clink my water glass with hers and the other two join in.

“I swear if I have to write one more paper…and don’t get me started on the thesis I’m supposed to write next year. I’ll be happy when I’m a working adult and no longer writing papers,” Everleigh says.

After we order our food, we end up on the subject of boys. While Everleigh swears up and down she has nothing going on, especially not with Landon even though I’ve seen them hanging out at parties together, Maia reveals she had a crush on her chem lab partner until Everleigh informed her he’s very much into men and not women.

“I mean, how the hell did I not see it?” Maia giggles. “Once Everleigh told me, it was so obvious.”

“Love is blind. Maybe you just didn’t see it.” Chloe shrugs and Maia bursts into a loud fit of laughter.

“Definitely not love, Lo. More like lust. I mean, Everleigh, come on, you must admit the guy is good looking.”

“Oh, he’s handsome alright. Just very…well dressed, let’s say.” Ev snorts and I cackle. Maia tosses her straw wrapper at my head.

“Enough about my dumb shit. What about you, Len, huh? Been hanging out with Holden a lot lately so I’ve seen and heard.” Maia grins. Damn her. I don’t want the attention on me.

“Heard? From who?”

Everleigh and Chloe laugh.

“Duh, the guys, Len. Sometimes I wonder if they gossip more than we do,” Maia says.

I roll my eyes. “Okay, it’s the truth, we have been hanging out more. But just as friends. Nothing more.”

All three of them go silent and look at me.


“You don’t need to hide it from us. We all pretty much know,” Ev says.

“Know what?” I play dumb.

“More like friends with benefits?” Maia asks.

“No, just friends.” I refuse to budge.

“I saw you sneak him out in the middle of the night when I got up to go to the bathroom. You didn’t see me, but I saw you.” Everleigh grins, and I can’t believe what I’m hearing. Since when does she keep secrets? And so well, too?

My mouth drops open as all three of my friends stare at me with shit-eating grins on their faces. “Wow. So everyone knows, huh?”