Page 34 of Broken

And another.

The audacity of him. What fucking nerve.

And another.

Once again, I won’t get laid. What the actual fuck?!

Another down and another.

That’s the last thing I remember.

Until I wake up in my bed the following morning with no clue how I got home.

“Holden brought you home,” Everleigh tells me as she looks down at me slumped over the toilet. “You were wasted, girl. I think that might’ve been the drunkest I’ve ever seen you.”

I groan and another wave of nausea rolls through my stomach. I hurl into the toilet as Everleigh rubs my back.

Holden brought me home?

But I was mean to him.

He stayed at the party?

My head aches as my thoughts spin, and I puke again. All I can focus on is how shitty I feel. “I’m never drinking again.” I cry into the toilet as Everleigh places a damp cloth on my forehead.

“Yeah, that’s what we all say, girl. If only it were true.”



When I walkinto the computer lab for my closing shift, I double-check the schedule, and I’m right. I’m closing with Lennox. She’s not in yet, which doesn’t surprise me. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if she called out, considering how hammered she was last night.

After getting her home, I iced my hand, two of my knuckles swollen from knocking that asshole out. He deserved it. I don’t understand how these guys can take advantage of a drunk girl. And yeah, maybe Lennox asked for it, but he can always tell her no.

What am I saying? What guy will turn down a drunk girl throwing herself at him?

Not many, that’s for damn sure.

Dammit. I’m not trying to be judgey, but that’s exactly how I’m being. I care about Lennox, and for some reason, there’s a fierce need inside me to protect her. And if that means stopping her from another hookup, then so be it.

As I laid in bed unable to sleep last night, I think I may have come up with a solution. Now I just gotta face the hard part—asking her.

A half an hour passes and still no Lennox. When Tim walks by, I ask him, “Hey, is Lennox still coming in tonight? She’s closing with me, right?”

“Yeah, she’ll be in later. She isn’t feeling well but said she'll be in by six.”

“Alright, thanks.” It’s three thirty now. Six seems so far away. But I have plenty of schoolwork to keep me busy. Soon midterms will be here, and then summer once again. I plan to stay here and find a job. My savings are dwindling fast with living off campus, and there won’t be any help coming from my parents. Unless I was a soldier. Then I’d be sailing through with everything paid for.

Yeah and completely miserable.

Finally, six o’clock rolls around and in strolls Lennox. A large pair of sunglasses cover her eyes, and her hair is piled on top of her head. She’s wearing sweatpants and an oversized hoodie with furry boots on. Even looking like she just rolled out of bed, she’s still beautiful.

When she sits down next to me, her scent invades my nose, and it’s like an addict getting a hit. My body instantly relaxes. She doesn’t take off her sunglasses and instead turns on her computer. “Hey.” She looks at me and offers a small wave but quickly turns away.

What are we, strangers or something?

“Still feeling like shit on a stick?” I try to lighten the mood and nudge her arm with my elbow playfully. I keep my hurt knuckles tucked away, not wanting her to see it and ask questions.