“Nah. These are delicious.” I grin as I down another.
Maia laughs. “You don’t mind the lemon?”
“Nope. I love it.” Another one gone. “Fuck this week.” I do another. “I want to forget all my shit and have fun.” Two more down, back to back.
I reach for another when Maia takes me by the arm and steers me away from the table. “How about we slow down just a bit?”
“Fine.” I pout, but it dissolves quickly when I see people dancing in the backyard. “Let’s dance!” I point at the sliding glass doors before dragging her along with me.
It’s only Maia and me tonight. I told her I need to get laid, and she should too, but she only laughed it off. Either way, we’ll make sure the other gets home safe before going off with a guy. Always a rule with my friends when we’re out together.
We join the group of people and dance our asses off. It doesn’t take long for me to get thirsty as sweat drips down the side of my face. The lights, the crowd, the patio area all blurs and spins around me as the alcohol takes over. The music moves through me as I shake my ass against Maia.
More and more people join as the music pumps louder, and there’s bumping bodies everywhere. As more people push in, I lose sight of Maia, and the crowd pulls us apart.
Where the hell did she go?
I still dance to the music as I try to navigate my way out in hopes of finding Maia. And a damn drink.
Hands land on my waist. I freeze.
Who the fuck is that?
Please just be Maia…
I force myself to take a step forward, and fingers dig into my skin, pulling me back. “Ouch!” I yell, but the word is lost to the blaring music. I use all my strength to break away, but the nails only dig in deeper, and a sharp pain runs up my side.
Hot breath lands on my neck. “Stop fighting it, bitch.”
It’s him. It’s fucking him!
My heart rate triples, and I gasp for air, feeling as if the wind was knocked out of me. “Everyone knows you’re a whore. I fuck you once, and you turn into a disgusting slut. Maybe I should tell your daddy just how much you love to spread—”
I lift my leg up and kick out backward as hard as I can, hitting him right in the knee cap. It’s not easy, and I almost lose my balance, the alcohol giving me strength yet throwing me off balance all at the same time. He cries out in pain, and he loses his grip on me. Without so much as a glance back, I run. Tears stream down my face, and I trip but catch myself as I dodge people left and right. I know I must look crazy, but I don’t fucking care.
As I run through the sliding glass door and back into the house, I don’t stop for anything. Not alcohol, or water, or the friends calling my name.The front door. Just make it to the front door.
I quickly glance back to make sure he’s not behind me when bam! I slam into someone.
My senses go into overdrive.
“Len, what’s wrong?”
The voice. The smell. The warmth. The comfort.
I don’t need to look up to know who’s standing there.
It’s exactly who I need.
“What happened? Are you okay?”Holden wraps his arms around me and holds tight. I bury my face in his chest and breathe him in as I choke on another sob.
I shake my head. “I need to get the fuck out of here.”
“Let’s go, then.”