“I’m pretty sure we did.”
“What do you mean pretty sure?” Lennox drops her fork, but she doesn’t look mad. She looks surprised, shocked almost.
“The night is one big blur for me too. Some of it came back to me, and we definitely got down in the bathroom in your room.”
Lennox's mouth drops open again. “Oh, shit. Well, I don’t think we meant for that to happen.” Then she throws her head back and laughs. “At least we were safe.” She shrugs and goes back to her eggs.
I’m not sure how I feel about her reaction. How can she brush it off so easily? I mean, I should expect it from her. I’m just another one of her hookups. No big deal, right? It’s just sex. Yet I don’t know. Something feels off. Maybe a small part of me thought she might see our time together differently. Or that she’ll realize she deserves more than just random hookups.
It’s stupid, I know. But I wish she would realize how much more she deserves.
And now that I’ve had a taste of her, though I barely remember it, the thought of her being with anyone else, being used and discarded whether she wants it that way or not, makes my skin crawl.
I doubt there’s much I can do. She’s not the relationship type, nor am I looking for one.
It was a one-time thing. Nothing more, nothing less. We agree to acknowledge it happened and move along as friends like usual.
Yet after our talk, I’m still uneasy, like a jab in the side over and over. Why do I have the gut feeling that nothing will ever be the same again?
The ski tripturned out to be a great time. Lennox and I tried our hand at skiing for the first time along with Maia and Everleigh, and it consisted of a lot of laughs and falls, ski mishaps, and funny stories we’ll remember. The topic of Lennox and I having sex didn’t come back up again. Remi finally makes it a few days into the trip because of bad weather, but he shows up with an unexpected guest. Sienna. There’s some drama that goes down and Sienna ends up leaving before the trip is over. I stayed out of it as much as I could.
After our trip is over, life resumes in Sierra Cove as usual. Classes, working, parties, working some more. Lennox and I talk when we work together, but besides that, I don’t see her much. I’ve only joined my friends at a few of the parties, my classes too intense to be out partying all weekend.
But this weekend, after a hard week of classes, exams, and work, I’m finally free. Meaning I scored both Friday and Saturday off. I should use the time to catch up on some homework, but I’d rather relax and play my Xbox. I’m not in the mood to party either, declining my friend’s earlier invitation to a beach party tonight.
After a pizza delivery and a couple of beers, I settle down in front of my TV, ready to shoot the hell out of some people onCall of Duty.A perfect Friday night if you ask me.
But after a couple of hours, I’m bored. I scroll through Netflix, but there’s nothing I want to watch. I hop on social media, but after ten minutes of scrolling, I’m bored again.
I don’t know why, but I’m restless tonight. Usually, Xbox keeps me entertained for hours, but for some reason, it’s not doing the trick tonight.
Maybe some fresh air will help. After putting on my sneakers, I grab my wallet, keys, and phone, lock the apartment, and walk down the hall toward the stairway. A stroll on the beach to clear my head, I hope. Just as I pass the elevator doors, it dings, and they open. Out stumbles a very drunk Lennox, and she tugs on the arm of the guy following her, both of them giggling and shushing each other.
I stop in my tracks, unable to move, ice slowly replacing the blood in my veins. What is she doing on this floor?
Her head swings my way, and when she sees me, her face lights up but quickly turns to confusion. She looks around, and when it dawns on her she’s on the wrong floor, she bursts into a fit of laughter. She loses her balance and sinks to the ground, the guy whose arm she was holding doing nothing but laughing his ass off as he yanks his arm out of her grasp.What a jerk.
I reach down and lend her a hand. “Len, you alright? You know this guy?” As she takes my hand and I help her onto her feet, she stumbles again, this time falling into my arms. I help hold her up with an arm around her waist, and she leans into me.
I look over at the guy just standing there, one hand over his mouth as he snorts and laughs. “Dude, how fucking old are you? She clearly needs help, and you stand there with your head up your ass. How much did she drink tonight?”
He holds his hands up. “Hey, man, I don’t want any trouble. It was her idea to come back here.”
“I asked you a question, how much did she have to drink tonight?”
Lennox disentangles herself from me and backs away, her movements clumsy. “Holden, be nice. It’s not his fault.” She slurs her words to the point that they are almost impossible to understand. “I brought…uh…umm…” She looks at him. “What’s your name again?”
Fuck, she doesn’t even know this guy’s name? Doesn’t she realize what she's doing? Or how much danger she puts herself in?
“Fuck this shit. I was just trying to get laid, man. This drama ain’t worth the pussy.” The idiot shakes his head and disappears down the stairwell.
“What the hell, Holden?” Lennox nudges me with her shoulder. “Why’d you make him leave?”
“Do you not care who you sleep with?” I ask her. The judgmental question is out of my mouth before I can stop it and I instantly regret it. Her face tells me she doesn’t like it either. She spins on her heel but loses her balance and has to grip the wall for support. I watch as she tries to march away from me toward the stairs, but she stumbles, and I chuckle to myself. She’s way too drunk to walk with an attitude, but she looks adorable trying. I follow her. I don’t trust she’ll make it down the stairs without falling.
When she starts climbing the stairs toward the fifth floor, I call after her. “Len, you should be going the other way. You live below me.”
She turns around and almost trips, but she grips the railing in time. She looks at me and sticks out her tongue. “I know that.”