“Holden! Wait.”
I stop dead in my tracks. My heart lifts, and I tell it to shut the fuck up. I turn back to face her. “Yeah?”
She opens her mouth but then closes it without saying anything. She smiles, but it fades quickly, and she shakes her head. I don’t understand what she’s trying to tell me.
“Never mind. Thanks again for helping me. Good night.”
That wasn’t what she was trying to say, and we both know it.
I walk toward her and stop only a few feet away. “I realize you need to heal. I’ll always respect your wishes and your need for space. But you’re hurting so much by trying to prove a point to yourself. You can heal alone, Lennox. You’ve been doing it for months. Look at you. You should be so fucking proud of yourself, Len. You’ve accomplished so much, and now you’re going for your dreams. The girl with the big plans is finally getting what she wants. But I need to say this before I chicken out.”
Tears fall down her cheeks, and my heart wants to jump out of my chest. My arms ache to hold her. “You’re it for me, Len. You’re the one. My person. I’m fucking hopelessly in love with you. You’re pushing away someone who loves you. And that someone is me.”
Lennox bursts into tears, throws her bags to the ground, and rushes over to me. She falls into my arms and sobs on my shoulder. “I love you too, Holden. So much. I’m so sorry it took me so long.”
I take her face in my hands and kiss her tears, her eyes and her nose, her cheeks, and finally her perfect mouth. “Don’t be sorry. You did what you had to.”
“I’m so scared, Holden.” She looks up at me with her gorgeous green eyes as they fill with more tears. “But I love you. So fucking much. You’re it for me, too.”
We kiss, right there in the hallway, without a care in the world.
Because in our world, we’re finally complete.
He asksme if he can take me on a date.
I tell him he needs to work for it.
And by work for it, I mean fulfill my every sexual desire since I spent months with no sex.
Just kidding.
Sort of.
I want to take things slow.
I want to do it right with him. We both deserve it.
Our first date was a classic—out to dinner. At the same restaurant he took me to before. I found myself being shy, which is crazy since it’s only Holden. But me in a relationship? With an actual boyfriend? That in itself iscrazy.
Our second date was an adventure—a day trip exploring beaches we’ve never seen before along the coast. I took so many pictures my phone died. But how can you beat mountains off in the distance with a gorgeous beach below?
Our third date was a disaster—getting caught in a torrential downpour while having a picnic lunch, our food and drinks ruined from the storm. But sex in the rain in the back of a pickup truck? Highly recommend it.
By the fourth date, we didn’t call them dates anymore. Because not only did we continue to go out on dates all the time, we spent every waking second together when we weren’t busy with classes or work.
I spend more time in his bed now than I do in mine. Landon calls me roomie, which is funny and kinda true. I see his roommates and friends more than mine lately. But Holden’s queen-sized bed is a clear winner over my twin any day.
Like this morning, when I walk into the kitchen to find Holden making breakfast and Landon sitting at the table. Holden kisses me good morning, and before I can even sit, Landon jumps up and puts his arm around me.
“Hey, there’s my best friend!”
“Ew,” I tease and push him away.
We all laugh. Who ever thought I’d actually think Landon’s a cool dude?