Page 44 of Broken

We laugh and shoot the shit, the full moon in the sky reflecting on the water, the stars easy to see on a cloudless night.

Eventually, we land at a beach party, with a couple of big bonfires and people dancing and roasting marshmallows. There’s a drink table set up with a makeshift minibar, and who’s there slinging drinks?

Yep, Landon.

“Yoooo,” he slurs, and I’m happy to see he’s drunk. He’s a little less assholey when he’s drunk and hopefully too gone to remember earlier. “Want a drink, lovebirds?”

“Yes. Give us two of your best drink.” I ignore his little nickname.

“Got it. Two of The Landon coming right up.” He starts pulling out liquor and adding it to a shaker. With how drunk he is, I’m surprised his movements are so smooth.

“The Landon? I’m scared,” I say and grimace.

“As long as it’s not green in color and there are no raw ingredients, I think we’re good,” Lennox chimes in from next to me.

Landon places two drinks in front of us, the swirls of blue and purple mixing together into what looks like a fruity combo. He even adds an orange slice and a couple of cherries on top.

“Have a taste.” Landon beams. He’s obviously very proud of his handiwork. I hand Len one, and we cheer and take a sip at the same time.

The delicious flavors play on my tongue, the different alcohols blending perfectly. There’s no strong alcohol taste nor a bad aftertaste. It’s really smooth. Damn, this drink could be dangerous.

“Wow. This is good, man.”

“It is good. What’s in it?”

Landon claps his hands. “Aha! Wouldn’t you two like to know. But too bad, because I’m not about to share any of my secrets.”

“If you made this into a shot, it would be even better,” Lennox says, half her drink already gone.

“That’s easy,” Landon says as he lines up six shot glasses. He mixes up his drink again in a shaker and then fills all the glasses. He hands me three and Lennox three. “Have fun, guys. One shot of that is like taking two shots. On top of the cup you’re already pounding.”

Lennox and I grin at each other and immediately down all three shots each. Landon refills our cups, and we make our way toward the bonfire. We find a seat on one of the open log benches.

“Whoa,” Lennox says as her ass almost misses the log. She grabs me for support while still balancing her cup in the other. “Phew. Landon wasn’t lying about it being strong.”

She almost knocks me off balance, but I’m able to manage, though I sway back and forth and almost lose my own drink. “Whoa, shit.” I laugh.

“No! Don’t lose the drink!” Lennox giggles.

My vision is hazy as Lennox’s face spins in front of me along with everything else around me. Damn Landon and his powerful drink. He is a master. I’m definitely buzzed right now.

“Is it just me or is the fire getting closer?” Lennox asks, then bursts into laughter.

“More like spinning in circles. I swear a fireball is going to shoot out and hit us any second now.”

“A fireball!” Lennox shouts, and I lose it as people look at us from every direction. I laugh so hard my sides hurt.

“Let’s chug the rest of our drinks,” I say as I look at our two cups. She’s got less than me, but I challenge her regardless. “Bet you can’t beat me.”

I immediately chug my drink, but of course Lennox keeps right up and finishes hers before me. “Done!” she cries as she tosses her cup down in the sand.

I can’t help but laugh at how serious she is about winning, and I choke on my drink, some of it flying out of my nose.

“Oh my God, are you okay?” Lennox rubs my back, and we both giggle uncontrollably, still in hysterics over the whole thing.

“I’m good, I’m good.” I finish my drink, and she watches me with a smirk on her face.

A girl on the log next to us on Lennox’s side hands her a joint, and she happily accepts. I didn’t know she smoked weed, but I don’t feel like analyzing how I feel right now so when she passes it to me, I decide what the fuck and take a hit.