I stay close behind her as she descends the stairs. When she makes it down with no incident, she faces me, her red hair whipping across her face. “I don’t need a babysitter. I can get myself home.”
“I know. But I just want to make sure you get there safely, okay?”
“Why? You already chased off the guy I brought home.”
“What if you go out again?”
“And your point? I’m a big girl. Which actually…” She taps her chin and sways from side to side. “I just might do that. You only have yourself to blame.”
“You’re way too drunk to go out alone. So either I go with you, or I’m putting you to bed.”
“What are you, my dad or something? Jeez, Holden, stop being such a stick-in-the-mud.” She pouts out her lips and crosses her arms. I take one of her elbows and lead her through the double doors to the third floor and down the hall to her apartment.
“I think bed is the best choice.” I make the decision for her, and she pouts more, her bottom lip sticking out. But she doesn’t fight me as I walk with her. We stop in front of her door, and I wait for her to take out her keys. Instead, she smiles up at me, an amused look on her face, her annoyance from mere seconds ago now gone. Being drunk will do that to a person. “Keys, Len?”
She shrugs her shoulders and laughs.
“You really gotta be difficult, huh? I bet they’re in your bag.” I point at her purse, but she doesn’t budge.
“Maybe, maybe not.” She drags each word out, and I can’t help but laugh at her antics.
“Alright, very funny. Why don’t we take this little party inside.” I gesture once more to her bag, hoping she’ll reach for her keys.
“It’s a party now? Woo-hoo!” She starts spinning around in a circle, her arms flailing as she hoots and hollers.
I snort, unable to hold back, and shake my head. She is too damn much.
“What the hell?” Everleigh asks as she opens the door to their apartment.Finally.“All I can hear is yelling.” Her eyes widen as she looks between us. As soon as she sees Lennox, she nods, now understanding. “Come on in.” She stands back and waves us inside.
I grab Lennox by the waist and hoist her over my shoulder. “I’m putting Lennox to bed. As you can see, she’s wasted.”
“Wasted, bro. I’m fucking wasted, mannnnn.” Lennox laughs and lifts herself using her hands on my back to hold herself up. Then she lets out a loud yowl.
“Shhh, Len. It’s late, and Maia’s already sleeping,” Everleigh says.
“Do you mind making her a cup of coffee? Water and ibuprofen will help too.”
“Sure. Lay her in her bed, and I’ll take it from there. Thanks, Holden.” Everleigh smiles at me before she disappears into the kitchen. I carry Lennox to her room and lay her gently down on the bed.
She smiles up at me and reaches up with one hand, running her fingers down the side of my jaw and through my stubble. “You’re too cute. Stay with me?”
Every voice inside me screamsyes! yes! stay!but I can’t. I’m not going to take advantage of her while she’s drunk. “Shh, just rest. Everleigh will help you change.”
Lennox nods as I take her hand still resting on my face and set it down on her stomach. She moans and rolls over onto her side.
I back out of her room slowly and as quietly as possible. I close the door, leaving only an inch open so as not to make any noise.
And then I see myself out before I change my mind and end up taking care of her all night.
“He was just tryingto be a good friend, Len,” Everleigh says over coffee the next morning. “Maybe one less hookup isn’t such a bad thing.”
She says it in the sweetest way possible, but I wouldn’t take offense to it anyway. It’s the truth, and maybe she’s right.
“Listen, I know you’re safe. It’s not like you meet guys online and bring them home and you use protection, blah blah. I’m not trying to sound like your mom but just be careful. Not everyone is what they seem to be, especially a guy just trying to get in a girl's pants.”