Page 120 of Only in Your Dreams

I sit up, completely shaky, as he gets to his feet to assess the mess he’s made of me. Then he yanks open his jeans, pulls out his cock and strokes it with the wetness leftover on his fingers.

Holy shit. He is so sexy.

“Let me,” I urge him. “Let me do it for you.”

Zac moves between my thighs, but I push him back, enough to slip off the counter and drop to my knees. His shoulders sag in defeat and I have no idea what he’s defeated about, considering the sound that comes out of him the second he’s in my mouth. He gives me these unbelievably deep moans, and there’s nothing more of a turn on than a vocal man when you’re touching him.

“Oh, fuck yeah,” he breathes. He drops his head forward to watch, combing my hair back into a gentle fist. I don’t take my eyes off him either. “I’ll never get enough of you, you know that?”

It doesn’t take him long. Another stroke of my hand, lick of my tongue, and I’m pulling away to let him finish on me. He’s coming with a hard grunt, painting my chest, dripping down my stomach, barely missing my bunched-up dress. He takes it all in with hungry eyes, the way he said he would back at camp, before scooping me off the ground and back onto the counter.

“The day I fuck, you it’s over. I’m done for. No way I come out of it alive.”

“Pretty sure we’ll be going out together.” I shut my eyes, resting against the mirror behind me.

He kisses down my neck as dresses himself. “Don’t move, Clo.”

Zac pulls a handful of paper towels from a dispenser nearby, wets it, cleans me off before helping me off the counter. I stand there weakly as he tugs my dress back into place, tidies me up.

“I don’t think I can go back to that table,” I whisper.

“Then get out of here,” Zac says, kissing the tip of my nose. “Change out of that dress. I’ll stay here a while as a cover, but I’ll see you at home, okay?”

He dabs at the sheen of sweat along my hairline, runs his fingers through my hair so that it lies flat. Adjusts my dress some more. It’s still soaked from the drink I spilled on myself.

“You’re seriously capable of sitting with Parker, pretending none of this happened?”

He scatters kisses all over my face before turning me around and pointing me at the door. “Pray for me.”

Chapter 30


“You’re very popular this morning.”

My highlighter pauses mid-air, poised over the Huskies playbook in front of me. Across the table, my phone goes off in rapid succession. An interesting phenomenon considering there’s only one person who messages me with that kind of enthusiasm, and Parker doesn’t tend to surface from bed this early on a Sunday.

Meanwhile, it’s become my favorite day of the week. Since the away game a couple of weeks ago, I wake up, talk Zac back into bed so he’ll fondle me a little, and sulk when he still refuses to fully sleep with me. We have breakfast on the back porch overlooking the water—sometimes with Noah, sometimes not. When he isn’t recovering from a party somewhere, Noah will get in a couple hours of studying while Zac and I pore over the playbook for the coming Huskies game, trying to poke holes in the pages of player stats toward the back of the binder.

Ping, ping, ping.

There’s a fresh stream of notifications lighting up my phone as Zac passes it to me, and the second I catch sight of them I emit a squeak rivalling the pitch of my incessant ringtone.

“That’s a new one,” Zac says. “What do I have to do to you get you to make that sound tonight, huh?”

I tap at my phone, loading up a browser window. “That would require you to let me makeanysound when you do things to me.”

With Noah still living across the hall, I’ve been suffering through silent orgasms since that night in Oakley’s bathroom. Obviously, there’s nothing hot about getting fingered by the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen, as he clamps a hand over my mouth to make me take it in silence.

Nothing hot at all.

“Oh my God.” My screen fills with a job posting for the Knights, my college team, one of the two schools out in the city. For weeks, I’ve been scouring a three-hour radius around Oakwood Bay for teams hiring sports data analysts. Naturally, I had to go and fall in love with the idea of a career so uncommon, nothing’s turned up so far.

Until this.

“It’s a predictive analytics job with the Knights,” I tell Zac, scrolling through the posting. “I’d be working with their football team on game strategy.”

Zac tugs my chair closer to have a look. “Is it what you want?”