“Stay quiet or you’re going on a kissing time-out,” I murmur when he grunts at my touch. “You don’t want Parker knowing what we’re doing in here, do you?”
Right on cue, Parker’s door creaks open, followed by footsteps cross the hall before he knocks at my bedroom door.
I take my time answering, licking up Zac’s neck, feeling his cock throb against my thigh. “Yeah, Park?”
“I’m going out to grab a coffee. You guys want one?”
I jerk back so fast there’s an audible sound to my mouth leaving his neck. I gape at Zac, horrified.
“You guys?” I mouth, like I need him to confirm I heard it right.
“Shit,” Zac whispers.
Despite good intentions, I knew we hadn’t exactly been subtle last night. I was kind of hoping the whole thing was awkward enough to go ignored.
But this is Parker, and I should have known better.
“I’m gonna take that panicked silence as a no,” my dear brother calls through the door, unmistakably amused at having caught me. “I’ll take my time coming back. Give your little friend enough time to sneak out with his dignity intact. Best brother ever, right?”
With a chuckle to himself, we listen, frozen, to the sounds of him making it down the hall, keys jingling by the front door as he lets himself out.
“Oh my God,” I whisper, even though he’s gone. I scramble off Zac, tugging his jersey down my body. “Do you think he knows it was you?”
“Doubtful,” he mutters darkly, sitting up and adjusting himself. “He probably thinks I’m Brooks fucking Attwood, here because he couldn’t keep his damn hands to himself for one single fucking night.”
“At the risk of missing out on jealous Zac, I’ll remind you that you’re the one who ditched your team because you couldn’t stay away for one night.” I hop off the bed to go sort through my closet. “I feel like we just got off easy. I wouldn’t have put it past Parker to camp out in the kitchen, waiting for us to come out.”
I dig my diner uniform from the bottom of a basket of clean laundry, tossing the skirt, polo, and apron onto the bed. I’m dying for the day off, especially after our strenuous late-night activities, but—
“Looks like you spoke too soon.”
Zac hands me my phone to see our group chat lighting up.
PARKER:I know a couple of you just had a wild night…
PARKER:But let’s all celebrate our game-winning Huskies at Oakley’s tonight, huh??
SUMMER:I’m in!
“Oh God,” I say, staring at my screen in horror. “You’re going to have to give Brooks the heads up—what the hell was that, Zac?”
He surfaces from behind his own screen, wide-eyed. “What?”
I wave my phone in his face. “You textedyay?Yay, with period, really? What is it with you and single-syllabled texts with periods? That’s not suspicious at all.”
He drops his phone to bury his face in his hands. “I panicked, okay? Knowing he heard us last night makes me want to crawl out of my fucking skin.”
I toss my phone down, turning back to my closet. “Lucky for you, hedidn’thear us last night. What he heard was a wild night between me and Brooks—”
I squeak when Zac yanks me onto the bed, planting his mouth on mine before I can get out another word.
Chapter 28