Page 140 of Only in Your Dreams

“You were right, that night after the WAGs game,” she tells me. When I only frown, she adds: “You told me that, one day, I’d realize you’re exactly what I need in my life. And you were right.”

My heart seems to know something I don’t. It picks up speed, banging inside my chest so hard I’m sure she must hear. Something flutters around my diaphragm, light and heavy at the same time, rising up my throat.

Melody sucks in a long breath. “I feel happier than I have in years, and I have you to thank for that, Zac. You’re still everything I loved about you back then—kind and thoughtful and caring. You see the potential in other people, and you don’t let them think any less of themselves. You’re exactly what I need, and what I want to keep, for good. I don’t want to hide you anymore. I want to tell Parker. To end this thing with Brooks and tell everyone about us.”

Mel wraps her arms around me, and the fluttering feeling surges upwards. “I loved you so much back then. I know I took a break in the middle, but maybe that’s what I needed to really appreciate the way I love you now. The way you love me now.”


Nothingwill top this. Ever.

With her hands anchoring my face, Mel presses her mouth to mine. The force of the kiss sends me stumbling back into the bookcase. And then she flattens her body to mine, searching, demanding, lifting onto her toes to kiss me harder, and I scoop her up so that she can wrap her legs around my waist.

She scrapes the nape of my neck with her nails. I groan, everything going tight with need.

“Noah isn’t home,” she mumbles between kisses.

I fist her hair. “Thank G—”

Right on cue, the front blows open.You have to be fucking kidding—

“Hey, Zac?” Noah calls from the front hall. I can hear him kicking off his shoes and moving toward the staircase.

I swallow hard, forcing a breath into my lungs as Melody laughs silently at my winded state. “Yeah?”

“I’m getting changed quick and then heading out for a date. I don’t think I’ll be home tonight. You guys need anything before I go?”

Thank fuck.

Melody dots kisses along my jaw. “We’re all good. Thanks for the heads up.”

We listen to his footsteps move up the stairs. When he’s safely on the landing, Melody breaks into the kind of teasing grin that makes me fucking weak in the knees.

“What should we do while he’s away?”

Chapter 36


“What’s taking him so long?”

I dig my nails into the back of the couch behind me. Zac stands a few feet away, staring at me from the bookcase. His arms are crossed tightly against his chest like it’s the only way he can manage to keep himself from lunging at me as we stand here waiting out the agonizing minutes before Noah leaves for the night.

I squirm, every inch of my body uncomfortably hot and sensitive. My nipples rub against my bra. My clit throbs against my leggings.

“One more minute. Just another minute, I can hear him getting ready,” Zac murmurs, chest rising and falling fast, rivaling the pace of my own.

I’m hurting. Everything actuallyhurtsright now. Without thinking, I let my fist drift to the inside of my thigh. And then an inch higher and another, and then—

I whimper at the feel of the heel of my hand grinding over my pussy. It’s not enough. It’s not nearly enough. I’ve been dreaming of fucking the man in front of me for years, and then spent the past couple months in a tantalizing sleeping arrangement that’s made everything so much worse. Nothing but the feel of him inside me will be enough tonight.

“Melody, stop that,” Zac says sharply. He sways forward and back, as though thinking better of coming anywhere near me right now. Eyeing me as I rub my fingers over the damp seam of my leggings. “Take your hand off your pussy. Now.”

“Zac, I can’t. I’m dying.”

“And what do you think this is doing to me? Don’t you dare come without me. Not tonight.”

His cock is fighting the front of his jeans. Jaw pulsing in frustration. Biceps flexing from the force of keeping his arms crossed, exercising every bit of the restraint he has left. The sight only makes me hotter, makes me rub harder.