Page 89 of Castian

She followed his line of sight, and spotted the suitcase in the corner. Relieved, Oye said, “I would have been without clothes.” She laughed, quickly removing herself from his lap but he caught her wrist before she fully untangled herself from him.

“C’mon, I need to shower.” She complained at him.

He stood and closed the space between them, drawing her arm up. “Aren’t you forgetting something?”

She gave him a confused look.“I don’t think so.”

He drew her hand in between them, and quirked a brow. “No?”

She stared at the ring, before she averted her eyes. “I-I need some time to think it over.”

“What’s there to think over?” He released her hand, and wrapped his arms around her and drew her close. “You’ve already said you’re mine.”

She shifted, pushing at him. “Give me some time, I’m not saying no. I just need to think this over," she said, stopping in her efforts at pushing him away. “I need to shower, and I have an appointment.” She glanced at the wall, and saw nothing frowning. She searched the wall before looking back at him. “You really don’t have anything in here.”

He shrugged, releasing her and turning away. Walking across the bed and he hopped down. “There was no point in decorating, this wasn’t ever supposed to be a home.”

She followed his example. “Haven’t you been here long enough for it to become like one?”

Opening the door to the bathroom he spoke over his shoulder. “I don’t like lying to myself, I never had any intention of returning to this place once I finished dealing with my brother.”

She stopped right in front of him, reaching out she rested her hand over his heart. “I’m glad you decided to come back.”

He leaned down, pressing his forehead against hers. “I found my home, and I have little interest in leaving its side.”

She chuckled as she entered the bathroom. He quickly followed behind her, his smirk full of evil intention.



Oye’s heart felt light, and body well loved. It had taken threatening Castian with no sex for him to finally let her leave.

She’d been hoping that he’d push her just a little bit more, but now she was flying down the highway, atop her favorite bike as she drove past the tollgate. The wind catching the ends of her hair, that she hadn’t bothered returning to their braided state.

The Veil broke apart revealing the bright sky of the human world. She’d been away for too long, the night sky of Nashville stars fluttered over her head as she drove down the highway, and looped into the city. The night wind felt chilly, as she drew closer to the familiar site of the orphanage. Pulling up to the front, she eagerly pulled her helmet off, happy to finally have some good news for Mama D.

She gave the ring on her finger a cursory once over before she settled her helmet on the back of her bike. Getting off her bike she made her way to the front only to feel a trickle of weariness. She frowned, pausing on the top step she half-turned and surveyed the street. Not seeing anything, she brushed it off making her way around to the side of the house.

Entering the kitchen stopped shot at the odd quiet of the house. After a few seconds she heard something fall in the hallway. Tossing her bag onto the table near the back door she decided to go check it out.

Her boot heels clicked against the wood flooring. On instinct a blade slid from her skin settling comfortably into her hands. She twisted to the side of the doorway that led to the living room, the light wasn’t on which was odd.

She moved so that she pressed close to the wall. Her other hand slid to her cell phone, in her back pocket.

“Hello?” she called out as she drew closer to it. Leaning forward, she looked in only to see nothing. Her hackles raised, she leaned back pressing two. She brought the phone to her ear.

“What?” Lanias answered.

“I’m at the orphanage, and something’s not right. Send backup.”

She leaned forward again, hearing something rustling on the other end of the phone. “I called the others and I’m on my way.”


“And Oye, don’t—” Lanias voice was cut off, as Oye lowered her arm.

She wasn’t going to hide when she could do something. She licked her bottom lip, lifting her hand that held the curved blade she moved carefully into the living room. Still, there was only silence, nothing else.