Castian was surprised at the creature’s welcome. He hesitated as he said, “You know me as your Lord? Aren’t you mistaken; it’s my first time coming here?”
The creature floated to the right.“We are not mistaken. Only the one who carries a bond with Ashiya can awaken us.”
Castian eyes narrowed in suspicion as he moved around keeping his eyes on the creature., “Is that so?”
“It is,”it said as it watched him.“What is it that you’ve come for?”It asked as it followed him as he walked deeper into the library.“Books, records, diaries of other Napier’s?”
Castian shook his head and decided the thing was harmless, he felt his shadow stretch as his golem returned to it. “I am fine, I can search alone.” He gave it his back and went to walk away.
“Perhaps, it is the key and altar you’re looking for.”
Castian hand lashed out. Thousands of flat ribbons of steel wrapped around the creature. “Where is it?” He demanded. “I’ll break if I have to, so be a good little glass thing and tell me where it is.”
“I-it is here,”it struggled to say, as it attempted but failed to turn what he assumed to be its head towards him.“The previous lord hid both here, but it won’t be easy to get them..”
The thing suddenly shattered. Thousands of its pieces hitting the ground like rain. They swirled back up and over his head, before coming together once more. Castian turned around following them with his eyes. His Golem came out of hiding and turned once more into a staff that landed in his left hand.
“Bring it to me,” he ordered; he couldn’t believe how close he was to regaining his sanity
The swirling mass of glass blackened before they turned into flesh. Castian felt his heart tighten when he met his father’s stare. He’d never thought he’d see him again, beside him stood his beautiful mother.
The staff in his hand slipped from his fingers hitting the floor with a bang and he felt his knees weaken as he knelt on the floor.
Castian stared at them both in stunned silence.
Castro’s deep blue eyes looked onto his. “My son, you have finally come home.” His father walked forward; his own cane clicked against the ground. He lowered one knee, setting his short cane aside before he placed a hand on Castians shoulder. “I’ve been waiting to welcome you home all these years.”
Castian squeezed his eyes closed, opening once more only to see his father still there. “You…this can’t be real.”
“We are real. I mean while we are dead. This moment, us talking to you is real. A few years ago, I felt a great fear of death and so I urged your father to make these.” His mother explained softly with sadness in her voice. Her expression held the love that he’d craved for these last ten years. They must have made them a few years after his imprisonment, from what he could tell from their wrinkles and the light grey streaks in his father’s hair.
“I had your father create golems imbued with our knowledge and magic so that if we died before you came out. Someone would be here to greet you and lead you to the key and the altar.” she added as she pressed her stomach turning it into a piece of glass.
Castian didn’t realize he was crying, till he lowered his head and saw the residue of tears on the floor in front of him. He wasn’t going to admit it but this, out of everything, broke him.
“I’m sorry.” He bowed forward. “I’m so sorry.”
His father’s hand was heavy on his back. “There is nothing to apologize for.”
Castian was too ashamed to look at his father’s face. “No, I should have heeded your warning then," he said. “Because I failed you, Tillon, took your life.”
He bit his lip hard, becoming silent again as tears filled with regret left him. Heartbroken that the words he’d wanted to say were only being heard by the golems his father and mother had left behind. Inhaling deeply, he pulled himself together leaning back he straightened. He didn’t bother to wipe his tears away; he met his father’s gaze head on, feeling only determination.
“What is it I need to do?”
His father removed his hand from him and grabbed his cane and stood. His expression was stern. “I was right in making you my heir and not once have I regretted my decision. I never once stop believing in you or your innocence.”
His mother came to his father’s side and placed a hand on his forearm. “That being said, we weren’t sure if Tillon knew the importance of the Altar. Your father learned pretty quickly after your imprisonment that it was Renson and his son, who blocked his efforts to free you. And that they had assisted Tillon in destroying the ritual which resulted in Ashiya being assimilated to you.”
His father continued simultaneously lifting his cane. “So, we made sure that only the true heir could retrieve it.” He brought his cane down hard against the ground. The glass windows exploded inward as a harsh wind swirled through the library. Books were ripped from their shelves and blown away in the chaos. “I changed this place into something Ashiya would enjoy.”
Iron walls filled with puzzles slid down, followed by riddle-like questions and the sound of clocks ticking filled the room.
A sick thrill rushed through Castian.
“Oh, dear, dear Castro you shouldn’t have.”Ashiya, long clawed fingers brushed one of the riddles.“The world is nothing but one puzzle. Humans and the wars of gods, nothing but blood and fun. Destruction is only a newer challenge.”