Page 41 of Castian

He’d watched as the sigils changed to names while the tree leaves fell from the painting. Only for another leaf to take its place with a newer date.

His father had lifted his cane and tapped at it. “The ones who fall aren’t dead. They’ve just lost their right to be a part of our family. To be a child of this family, one must be prepared to sacrifice more than just his soul," he said this with a solemn expression, his expression somber.

Castian had gone from being afraid to being proud that day.

Coming to the end of the hall he immediately felt the change in the air.

“I do not like this.”

Castian hated to agree with Ashiya, taking a retreating step he summoned his Golem. The large metal beast hovered beside him. Reaching out he shifted it into a long staff. Grabbing it he slammed it down onto the floor, causing a ripple to leave the tip. The lights overhead dimmed when large black lights appeared before the wall that had at one time been covered by the painting of the family tree.

“Anti-magic stones?”

Castian frowned. Why would Tillon place anti magic stones before the entrance? It wasn’t like his brother wasn’t gifted with magic.

The sound of people coming took Castian by surprise.

“Has it arrived yet,” someone asked as the group drew closer.

Castian quickly dropped into the shadows moving through the wall to the outside next to the window that gave view to the long corridor.

Holding his breath, he peered inside. Tillon was escorting Jake and Robert towards the secret entrance.

“Yes, it’s been bonded to the item so it will not escape easily.” Tillon explained, reaching the wall he pulled out a key and stuck it into a hole that Castian now realized had been hidden by simple invisibility charm. The lock flashed blue when Tillon pulled it out a large piece of the wall slid to the right. Tillon stepped aside allowing both Robert and Jake to enter before him. Jake shot him a look of distaste before following Robert inside.

Tillon followed behind, closing the door.

Castian stared unseeing at the garden before him in confusion. Completely thrown off but what he’d just seen. Not only had his brother had given a stranger access to the family's vault but he’d opened the entrance with a key and not with magic.

Unable to gather his thoughts, Castian decided to return to his room. He would think over what he’d seen, and hopefully tomorrow he would be able to come to a better understanding of what had happened to his family after his imprisonment.



Oye stepped out of the bathroom and saw that Castian was gone, she didn’t panic. The man obviously liked working alone. It wasn’t any kind of shock to hear he’d left.

The only question was whether or not it would affect her personal mission. She wasn’t above knocking his ass out if he caused any upheavals. Walking over to the vanity table, she took a seat and grabbed up her lotion only to pause when she felt the shadows move around her.

“Where did you go?” she asked as continued putting her lotion on.

He stepped from the dim corner near the window and pulled off his jacket. “Nowhere really.”

His long legs carried him to his own bag that sat near the bed. “Just wanted to take a walk around, spy on this and that.”

She narrowed her eyes on his reflection. “How is it that you managed to say so much and still not answer my question? Let me try again, what were you doing warlock? If we’re supposed to be a team. You should give me a heads up if you’re going to do something that could cause me trouble.”

He finally graced her with a look of annoyance. “Is that what you thought when they told us to work together? I didn’t take you to be someone so naïve.”

Shoving her chair back she stood. “If that’s how you want to play, then I guess you wouldn’t like to know when our target is arriving then.” She stomped over to confront him. “I’m sure you would also hate to know what Jake and that greasy fellow Tillon have been up to.”

He glared at her, the blues completely losing their shine. “Who do you think between the two of us has more pertinent information? Me, who’s been running around and listening to the little birdies. Or you, who just stepped out of the shower.”

She summoned her phone to her side. It flew through the air and into the palm of her hand. “The person who has a demon like witch on their side.”

Castian lips parted, before he visibly gave up spraining with her. Giving her his back, he said, “Fine, I’ll tell you what you want to know.”

Oye held back in doing a little dance at her small victory. She shouldn’t be as happy as she was having him tell her where he went. And she also refused to believe she’d been that interested in the first, it was all about the mission. She wasn’t interested inhimdammit.