Page 98 of Castian


“You told him everything,” Lanias asked.

Oye, who was now alone with Lanias in her hospital room, didn’t bother to move an inch. She’d been awake for too long; her head was throbbing, and her eyes felt dry, but she couldn’t go to sleep.

“I told him only what I could remember,” she turned her head, so that she could see her cousin, who stood by the door. “Castian isn’t likely to tell anyone else,” she couldn’t help the amusement that entered her voice. “He’s more focused on killing my father.”

“Which is why you told him about dear ol’ Freddy.” Lanias said as she walked over to her bedside. The feathers of her large coat fluttered. Her pants suit was well fitted to her body. “I’ve been meaning to deal with him, but I like those who did wrong to us to suffer.”

Oye finally shifted, pushing herself up into a sitting position. “Well, it’s much safer and quicker to let the mad warlock deal with it.”

Lanias gave her an impressed look. “I don’t know whether to be impressed or slightly worried that you’ve gained another weapon. Do you really love him?”

“Yes,” Oye said and felt a bit surprised at how that right sounded.

“Don’t be surprised darling.” Lanias reached out and lightly flicked her forehead. “Shade witches are addictive.”

Taken aback at having her head flicked, she frowned. “This isn’t like you. Usually, you’d be lecturing me for not eliminating the threat immediately.”

Lanias shrugged at this. “I find that if there seems to be a certain pattern to things I should follow them rather than fight them.” She grinned, a line of white in the dark. “There is much I gain in having the Masked Ogre and the Mad Warlock on our side. While that demon fox wishes to act like nothing changes, two of his most feared Jackals are now tied to the Shade Witches they all fear.”

“I won’t do anything that will put Castian in harm’s way.”

Lanias waved off her concerns. “Never mind that. My main concern right now is Eliza. She must be found before anything else.”

“I didn’t see her when I was in the place they brought me to, but Castian told me the minute they found anything he'd tell me.

Lanias nodded, before she turned to leave but something stopped her. She tilted her head.

“Oye, have you been messing with special gates,” she randomly asked.

Oye looked at her back like she was crazy. “What, no.”

Lanias pointed at the gate that was swirling into existence in front of her. “Well then, what’s that?”

Oye leaned forward and watched as the spatial gate spun before it opened fully. She got a brief glimpse of a sea of beautiful forest before with sharp pop it all disappeared and two people stood in thick burgundy cloaks in front of them.

One of them reached up, and pulled their large hood back.

Both witches didn’t move, no; correction Oye didn’t breathe. Elves?

Sure, the three boys she’d taken care of like brothers were elves, but they’d been results from her own work hunting down slavers and magical creature traders.

To see two elves smoothly walk through a spatial gate like it was a day-to-day thing, had taken the wind completely out of her.


Her cousin twitched before she swore and pulled her phone out of her pocket. “This is the perfect thing for that damn fox to deal with.”

Her cousin pressed a button, and before Oye could protest the whole room was filled. Tiller, who stood in the center of the crowd, looked around. Raijin, Castian, Malcolm, and Alek followed his example.

Sabina, who’d staggered a bit, and grabbed a hold of Raijins arm, turned her eyes on Lanias and glared. “I told you to only use that damn button for emergencies,” she growled, taking Oye and Lanias aback.

Pursing her lips, Lanias pointed her phone at the two males at the door. “Isn’t that worthy of a call?’

Sabina turned to see what she was talking about, when she saw then she said, “Well, shit.”

“Why is Castian on the floor?” Oye asked, realizing the warlock hands were in handcuffs and he was kneeling.