Page 95 of Castian

Her body gave a huge shudder as she collapsed forward, her eyes closing. Surprised, he caught her, the aura of her light causing Ashiya’s black inky presence to retreat. She sighed into his arms, her eyes opening slightly. “Castian?” she murmured.

He held her tightly, “Yes, my love.”

“Quill, please save him.” She sighed into his arms.

Castian, who’d been prepared to battle to the death, was confused by the ease of rescuing her.

“It failed,” someone said from behind him.

Castian whipped out his staff and turned his gaze to what he thought was a threat. Only to find himself staring at the two unseelie. They were standing leisurely by the exit, one of them poking Nathan in the cheek.

“You Jackals don’t do things by half. To think you’ve damaged one of his favorites.” One of them turned his white eyes on Castian. “Tell me, warlock. Have you and your men found the female of prophecy yet?”

Castian quickly calculated his chances of being able to escape but with the way the unseelie were blocking the doorway his chances were minimal. “Why would I tell you?”

The one with a ponytail grinned exposing his sharp teeth. “So, you won’t die.”

“Lyon, play nice with the weak magic user.”

He frowned. “But I was, Jion. I was warning him.”

Castian frowned. “Warning me of what?”

The unseelie glanced back at Nathan’s body, Castian tensed realizing it had disappeared.


“I am not defeated,” a desperate cry cut off what Castian was going to say.

All three of them watched the man appear by the table, his hands grabbing up something from it. His mad gaze swiveled from the unseelie to Castian.

“I will not be defeated by you or anyone. I will not lose.” He shouted as he grabbed up the syringe and stabbed it into his own neck.

“He will die,” the unseelie Jion said before looking back at Castian. “And so will you, if you do not answer us honestly.”

Lyon disappeared, only to return with a screaming child in his arms. “And this child, and others will also perish.”

Castian looked from the screaming Nathan, whose body was becoming distorted and changing as his magic increased at an alarming rate; to them. “No, we haven’t found her yet.”

The unseelie Jio. gave him a long look before he turned the one named Lyon, “Brother.”

Lyon appeared by Castians side and settled the child down. The boy threw himself at Castian, who quickly wrapped him in his arms.

He phased away, appearing before Nathan and with little word the unseelie grabbed the man by the neck. “Self-destruct.” He clicked his tongue, without a word he disappeared before reappearing at his brother’s side. “Done.”

Suddenly, a large explosion rocked through the entire building, the walls rumbled as the ground rolled. Castian pulled the child and Oye closer.

After the trembles had slowed, he lifted his head up to find the unseelie had left. He relaxed only, to tighten his hold on Oye in his arms and send a messenger golem to Raijin.

For a time, Castian sat, taking in that they were all safe but having recovered the little boy pulled back from where he’d buried his face into Oye stomach and squinted up at him. Castians demon traits were slowly draining away as his magic settled. Castian eyes zeroed in on the boy’s ears, the edges of them twitching slightly.

“Are you big sisters’ friend?” the small boy asked, his hand still firmly gripping Oye’s sweater.

“Yes, her very, very important friend.”

Those amber eyes took him in, and Castian felt oddly nervous at whether or not the boy would accept him, but he did give him a short nod. “Good, she needs more friends.”

Hearing this made Castian soften a bit, he knew better than anyone what it meant to have someone on your side. “I promise to be one of her best ones.”