He’ll only hurt you.
Oye both loved and hated when he did this, it made her stomach feel weird and her heart race. And when she looked into his eyes, she felt like she was falling. At first she hadn’t trusted these feelings, but as time went on she’d searched him out to experience them.
“Come,” he laid his hand on her knee. “Let’s do it.”
She grinned, letting him pull her away from the crate. “This is crazy, I can’t believe I’m doing this with you.”
Don’t do it.
“Reckless, wild and young.” He smirked. “That's us plus, you love me,” he said gleefully, as he brushed his lips against her cheek. “Think about it, your powers are going to be triple what they are now. I know what I’m doing..”
Oye didn’t care about that, she just wanted to be of use to him and make him proud. She nodded, walking to the center of the magic circle he’d drawn. She watched as he picked up a jar filled with something red. She’d first thought it was blood, but he’d assured her it wasn’t. There wasn’t any reason to not believe him, he opened the jar and began drawing the symbols on the ground.
Please, stop.
The circle became a bright purple, the light filling the once dimly lit warehouse. Her limbs began to tingle. “Nate, I think it’s working.”
“Not yet,” he said, pausing in the spell work. “A little longer.”
Her sight began to dim as the tingling turned painful. “Nate, is it supposed to hurt?”
“Don’t worry it will wear off.”
But the pain didn’t go away, it increased. Oye started to bite her lip to keep from screaming. But eventually that stopped working.
“I want to stop.” She cried out, angry with herself for being weak but the pain continued to grow..
“Hold on a bit longer.”
She shook her head, or she thought she did as she felt tears running down her cheeks but when she looked down she realized it was blood. “Nathan.”
“Oye, shut up.”
Something banged, and the light from outside flooded the room.
“Oye.” Her mom’s voice cut through the dimming of her awareness.
“Mom,” she wanted to run to her but couldn’t.
Her limbs wouldn’t move.
“Dammnit,” Nathan exclaimed.
“Oye.” Her mom suddenly appeared right in front of her and glared, her mouth moving rapidly.
Oye frowned, “I can’t hear you.”
Her mom’s figure wavered. Oye flinched as two words resounded in her head. “Wake up.”
Her limbs wouldn’t move.
“I. Am? Who am I?”
Her vision changed as a wave of dizziness hit her.
Standing before her was a woman whose skin was all black and her hair a fiery red. She sneered down at Oye.
“Are you the one that’s supposed to bind with me,” she asked incredulously.