Page 90 of Castian

Her back to the hallway, she used the end of her blade to move the curtains aside.

“I was surprised.”

Whipping around, Oye slashed her blade out in a wide arch while moving to the side. Her eyes bright with death, and her teeth bared as she stared at the man who’d snuck up behind her.

“Phew, you nearly got me.” He complained, lifting the end of his sleeve that was cleanly sliced through. His familiar green eyes met hers as he smiled. “You were always so quick to attack.”

“Nathan,” her throat tightened, as did her hand on her blade.

“Why are you here?” Oye demanded regaining her composure. She turned her hand sideways while letting a short sword enter her other hand. “What do you want?”

He looked genuinely confused at her question. “Why to get you of course.”

“What?” she shook her head, “I don’t know what game you’re playing at, but I have no interest in going with you anywhere. Where are the kids?”

He lifted his hand waving his finger at her as if she was a naughty child. “You’ve always been stubborn, but by now you’ve already forgiven me, right," he said, while widening his arms. He offered a soft smile. “Come, we love each other. I knew you’d return to my side one day.”

“Loved,” Oye snapped, growing more and more worried about the missing kids. And where was Mama D and Zachary. “You and I, we were done the minute you used me and killed my mother.”

“You can’t be saying your mother is more important to you than me?” He demanded, his features suddenly growing tight with anger. “I am everything to you, you love me. I made you more. If your stupid mother hadn’t interrupted you’d be a goddess in human skin. You’d be perfect.”

She’d loved him but he never loved her.

Oye hated him and she hated that the very words he’d said then had turned her into an idiot dumb enough to think he’d truly loved her. She should have known then, just as she did now. That he didn’t love her, and had only been pleased with having someone in love with him. He’d just wanted an idiot fan.

“No, I’m perfect now. Where are the kids?” She held her short blade higher.

He glared at her, “I told his Lordship that I would bring you back. The residue of Ishtar still lies within you. You're perfect for it, but you and that bastard Castian ruined everything by capturing that pompous asshole Tillon.”

Hearing the name that both the Nerium and Jackals were hunting, had Oye tensing up.

He snapped his fingers and in a flash the room was filled with the children, Mama D and Zachary. All of them were wrapped in what looked like vines. Long black thorns pressed against their throats.

“So, my love, I will offer you a choice because of our past together.” His hands tightened on the neck of Quill.

Oye felt her heart drop to her stomach as her palms grew sweaty. “Come with me, and become a living breathing goddess or I kill every single person here.” He curled his free hand around the boy’s neck, his nails lengthening till they drew a trail of blood.

She couldn’t move or breathe, all she could see was a sea of blood and innocent faces of children peering up at her. She couldn’t fight him; he had the advantage here. She felt sick to her stomach; she’d never given in to the enemy.

She looked around her, she was the reason they were being threatened and harmed. The people she loved always turned into dust before her eyes.

Closing her eyes, she could only see the ocean before her. The dreams and hopes, she’d carried turning to ash so easily. This was her life and with that life came a choice that only someone like her could make.

The blade and sword disappeared as she lifted her hands in surrender. She ignored the cry from the others as she walked toward Nathan.

She motioned with her chin to Quill. “Let him go. I’ll go with you.”

He clicked his tongue, giving a short shake of his head as he grinned at her. “No can do. We need to ensure you’re not going to change your mind.” With that he tightened his hold of the boy.

Oye dropped her arms and glared at him. “You lied.”

“No, I just didn’t tell you everything.” He sneered as the room turned on its head.

She ran towards him ignoring the changing environment and just as she reached him, he released Quill. Oye jumped, catching him, her back slamming into a wall. She grunted, as she slid down to the floor holding the shivering boy.

“Everything’s all right, Shh. ” she whispered to calm him as his small hand curled into her shirt.

“For now,” Nathan’s cruel voice cut in, he leaned against the bars, his eyes holding a manic light. “I hate losing. Do you know you were my first and last failure?”