Page 60 of Castian

Oye felt relieved that all the small talk was over and focused on learning how to make cake.



Castian felt his entire body shudder once Oye left.

He lifted his hand and watched it tremble until he closed it into a fist. The smell of her surrounded him still. The sensation of her body pressed against his hadn’t left yet.

If he’d known their first kiss would shake him up so badly, he’d never have taken the chance. Now, he was trying to piece his sanity back together and trying to convince himself that the worst he could do was bring her back.

He hadn’t been lying when he’d told her he wanted her, but wanting and having were two different things. When he’d told her they could never be he’d pretended not to see her disappointment.

How could he in good conscience claim her when he had lied to her. She deserved better, even if she had just as many secrets as he did.

That man Nathan meant something to her. That bastard was the reason she’d cried. Castian was many things, mad, dangerous and had a gross gluttony for violence but he rarely went out of his way to hurt women. His father had always preached against harming them, especially those who were their own kind.

He slowly breathed through his nose; he couldn’t shake off the image of her in his arms. Her breath tickling his chin, her arms wrapped around his waist as she breathed him in and he, her. Their hearts beating as one, as their magics playfully tugged at each other’s.

Turning around he spotted his own face in the vanity mirror. Castian’s daydream ended there.

“You deny your hunger, how foolish.”

Castian turned his attention to the demon who lounged on the couch, his long form dwarfing it. “And where have you been this entire time? You’re not the type to hide yourself away," he said this as he walked over to the side table near the bed and picked up his ring that hid his appearance. The face of Torick meeting him in the mirror, “What scared you so much that you had to hide away?’”

“First, and most importantly I wasn’t scared. And it would be a waste of my time to explain anything to you,”Ashiya said, shooting Castian a look of disinterest.“Just know that your brother has done something that will come with a great price.”

Castian’s expression blackened. “Tillon has done enough to lose his life two-fold.”

Ashiya laughed, “For the first time, I agree with a lesser being.”

* * *

Later that nightCastian decided to use a clothing change hex, one he didn’t often use since he wore pretty much the same thing every day. But seeing as he was going to the side room where they were sampling whiskies and cigars, he’d figured he dressed the part. A face appeared in his mind’s eye; he could also learn more about this Nathan.

The man wasn’t important to his goal, but hewasimportant to Oye.

Fixing the cuffs of his white button up shirt, he left the room not bothering to see if Ashiya remained on the couch. Making his way to the room, Castian enjoyed a slow and leisurely walk.

Just as he turned the corner he stopped when he saw a little girl who stood before a large painting, he’d spent a majority of his time here avoiding. Surprised at her appearance he looked around searching for a nanny or her mother, but he saw no one. As he slowly approached her she turned her little somber eyes, a dreamy grey, on him. She pointed at him, “Uncle Tory.”

He was taken aback by her name for him, and even more disturbed when she ran towards him and lifted her chubby arms. “Up.”

Unsure of what to do, he bent down and picked her up. Her little body fit against his, the scent of sugar and what he thought to be baby powder filled his nose. She gave him a commanding look when she pointed forward and said. “Go.”

Both curious, and fascinated with the little being, he followed her directions. He eventually found himself standing in the doorway of the kitchen. The scent of something sweet tickling his nose.

“I see what you’re up to little one,” he whispered. She gave him a mischievous smile filled with glee. Before she turned her triumphant eyes to the pans of golden cupcakes, and what looked like little puddings.

“Lana,” A woman called out.

Castian looked away from the cakes on the counters to the woman who walked towards him, and time stopped. He felt his mouth grow dry as an overwhelming sadness took over. His mother was walking towards him, just as she’d done when he was younger.

The vision was so strong and familiar Castian found himself walking toward her. Only for her to grab up her daughter from his arms as she scolded her. “Lana, what did I tell you about spelling away from your nanny?” She gave her daughter a stern look, before offering him a look of gratitude. “Sorry Torik, her dads been showing her all kinds of magic based human movies. And she’s started to enjoy exploring.”

“A-ah, yeah.” Castian quickly recovered and gave her a weak smile. “It’s not a problem.” He felt the sting of the other woman’s eyes as they stared at him. Focusing back on who he now realized wasn’t his mother but his sister. He said, “I’m glad I was able to deliver her safely to you.”

She smiled at him, capturing her daughters wandering hand. “Thanks again.”