Page 54 of Castian

Ashiya shook his head, for once being serious.“She is not.”

“What?”Castian stared at her, this time squinting. “But I can see her.”’

“She is like you, but better,”Ashiya answered, moving back and shaking his head. His expression truly disturbed,“They have melded her body and soul with a higher one. You monkeys are mad, truly insane..”

“Ashiya.” The demon shook his head as he faded away.

Castian attempted to call him back, but he didn’t respond.

For the first time in many years, the demon within him was completely silent. Castian didn’t know how to respond to Ashiya’s extreme reaction. As he continued to stare at her, he found himself thinking she seemed familiar, but he couldn’t pinpoint what was familiar about her. Pulling himself away, he searched the area around, realizing that Ashiya had brought him to a higher floor. Another thing that had shaken him, having the damn Demon control his body and magic so easily.

Suddenly, a rumbling sound filled the chamber. Castian quickly moved to the other side of the Tank and attempted to sink into the shadow. When he could only enter half of his body he pressed his will against the anti-magic shield. The force caused him to grit his teeth as he changed his plan and pushed his aura out. Searching for another way out as the voices below grew in volume.

“How the fuck did you manage to lose your key,” someone angrily demanded. “Are you sure you lost it, and no one took it? We don’t have the luxury of having someone learn about this Tillon. One slip up and both of our heads will be on a platter.”

By the tone of his voice Tillon didn’t appreciate Jake’s tirade. “Whether it was lost or taken, they couldn’t use it. It only works for those of my blood, and even then they would have to have been given a blessing of entrance from my father.”

“A blessing, pfft then how were you able to enter,” Jake demanded nastily. “I doubt he gave you any blessing, especially with the way you killed him.”

Castian’s entire body turned to stone.

“Don’t be crude, it was mercy. The poor bastard would’ve spent his elderly years trying to free my trash brother,” Tillon voice held nothing, no guilt or pleasure. “The best thing I did was put him out of his misery. It's only a pity mother happened to see it.” He clicked his tongue. “The key is made from his bones. Wherever it is, it will return to me in due course.”

Castian’s soul was overrun with hatred. His soul demanded that he take vengeance, and murder both Jake and Tillon at this very moment.

The lock clinked and a rush of wind filled the chamber.

“Asher, do you have it?”

Hearing that name, pulled Castian from the haze of bloodlust filling him.

“His lordship’s aide requested you send him another twenty. The bodies he has now aren’t adapting well to the ritual. Many have been deformed and some even rebelled against him. He slaughtered them to save on time.”

“Does the man think witches grow on trees? It will take us another month to gather that many witch descendants. Someone will notice, just like the damned dogs of Tiller’s,” Jake complained.

“They are being dealt with,” Another person spoke up, it soon revealed to be Robert who’d just entered. Castian hovered at the very edge of his shadow cloak. His expression was cool. “Tell his lordship that it will be done but the payment has changed. I would like to be adapted sooner rather than later.”

“I will mention it, but I don’t think he will accede to it,” Ashe said.

“Your job is not to think,” Robert coolly responded. “Merely to follow my orders, or have you forgotten who your master truly is?”

“No, sir,” Asher quickly said and Castian was sure the man was bowing.

“Good, tell him he will have his delivery not in a month but within days.”


“Robert, you can’t be serious?”

The sound of a smack echoed out. “Jake, did I or did I not tell you to keep quiet.”

Jake’s voice shook with withheld anger as he answered. “Yes.”

“Now, escort Asher out and make sure no one sees him. And Asher.”

“Yes sir.”’

“Make sure you return in time to enjoy our dinner party.”