Page 21 of Castian

Oye frowned, “I hope you’re not talking about those Reds. Because I have little to no desire to be around vampires longer than necessary.”

“And here I thought you’d be excited to be left to your own devices with blood suckers,” Lanias retorted sarcastically.

“Lanias.” Sabina said with a chiding tone.

Oye smirked, “That’s right, reign her in lil-bi bi.”

“Enough, you’re not working with the vampires,” Lanias said as she crossed her arms. “You’re going to be working with one of the Jackals.”

“Bull shit.” Oye said, coming to her feet. Her anger was palpable as the metallic items in the room rattled. “I won’t do it.”

“If you want to find Eliza, you will.” Lanias voice grew hard, her eyes like chips of ice. “It doesn’t matter who we have to use, or break. We protect our own no matter what, and Eliza is missing. The only way for us to even begin to piece clues together is if we partner with them to attend this event that the Ring of Syed throws once a year.”

“Even worse,” Oye snapped, her hands opening and closing at her side. “You want me to spend time grinning in the faces of those sell outs and yellow livered magic users. The ring syed barely shares a thousand years of lore between them. Can’t I do something, anything else?”

“I wouldn’t ask you, if there was someone else who could do it.”


Oye didn’t want to work with anyone tied to the place that had stolen everything from her. The council, the elders, hell even the Jackals. Everything about them made her sick to her stomach. Sure, Sabina—her cousin, was marrying one but she wasn’t the least bit interested in getting to know him, or his crew better. A brief flash of that annoying warlock’s face popped into her mind before she ruthlessly crushed it.

This wasn’t about avoiding him, this was about Lanias trusting the very people who’d fucked them over all those years ago.

“You want me to put my life in the hands of the very people who destroyed it to begin with," she said glaring at Lanias. Knowing she really had no choice if she wanted to find Eliza.

“No, I want you to use the people who use us and ensure that our kind gains the most benefits in this deal,” Lanias said. “To be frank I also hate the idea of working with that fox demon. But I am a leader for a reason, and that’s because I make the hard choices when it’s needed, this is one of those times.”

Oye thought over it for a long moment, before with a sigh she gave a short nod. “Fine, I’ll do it but don’t expect that fucker to come back alive.” Placing a hand on her hip, she brushed her hand through her hair letting the metallic band snap and wrap around her finger like a ring. “Who is it I’m working with?”

Lanias said the name.

Oye wanted to punch her all over again.

“You’re fucking joking.”


“You’re fucking joking,” Castian shouted.

Castian stared at Tillers smug expression. Holding back his immense desire to destroy it. While he couldn’t really see it, through the thick fur that covered it he would bury his claws so deep that he would eventually hit something.

Damn if he didn’t wish he could see people’s faces like normal.

He forced his expression into a semblance of calm. “Why does it have to be that particular witch?”

Castian prayed that he’d managed to keep his growing anxiety out of his voice but from the weird stares he was getting from the others he’d failed.

“She’s the only one available,” Tiller explained simply. “You aren’t afraid of a little witch are you?”

Okay, so maybe he would punch Tiller with or without knowing where his face was.

“I just don’t think it’s in our best interest to work with them.” Castian said, hating how desperate he sounded. “I am more than capable of dealing with Asher alone.”’

“Weren’t you interested in getting your own witch,” Alek cut in. “Don’t tell me the lothario warlock is scared of a pussy with teeth.”

Castian wasn’t really in the mood, so he decided to blame his irritation for the random decision of launching seven blades at Alek. When the vampire disappeared and appeared behind him, holding one of the said blades near his neck he felt it was only karma.

“Lick up a single drop of my blood and I’m going to shove my fist down your throat,” he threatened.