Page 20 of Castian

“She smells delicious.”

“Claim her.”

“Shut up,” he yelled as his head filled with shouts and demands for the witch. He should never have touched her; a harmless flirting could add another innocent body to his count.

“Shut up.” He repeated as he slid down the door, breathing harshly he stared at his hand and sucked in a quick breath at the sight of his hands covered in black ink. His fingers were long and curving like claws. He blinked and the horrifying vision was gone.

“You’re fighting me, Warlock.”

His eyes moved from his hands to the creature crouched in front of him. Its wings spread out behind him, their leather-like texture oddly reminiscent of feathers. His long fingers appeared as if they’d been dipped in blank ink, his smile was inhuman as he stared at Castian.“You could make this easier on both of us, if you’d just give in.”

Releasing a breathless laugh, Castian said only one thing. “Fuck you.”

“Tsk, that would be the same as giving a hand job.”The demon said easily, his tone filled with humor.“How about we fuck that little witch. C’mon, you want to. I want to, it’s so easy taking her, ripping the life from her body with every moan she releases.”

Something clicked, the demon looked down to find a gun pressed to his chin. Castian, glared at the demon pressing his gun hard against his chin, “I won’t tell you again, shut up.”

Tapping a finger against the side of it, the Demon expression lost its smile, its black eyes glowing. “You don’t think you could actually harm me with this. Do you?”He grabbed it; the metal wrenched but as he removed his hand it returned to its shape.

“I’m not some fucking human, your mind games don’t work on me.”

Rising, the demon stood staring down at him.“For now, but…Don’t forget,”the demon said, licking its lips.“It’ll work with her.”

Castian’s head jerked up, just as the demon disappeared. He released a shiver, as he dropped his gun and sagged against the door. He wasn’t wrong, the minute he’d let the demon gain a bit of control he’d taken advantage. He cringed remembering his hands wrapping around Oye’s neck, the pulse of her veins and the weakness of it. So easily, he could snap it. She was strong, her magic damn near seared his skin but she wasn’t as strong as he was.

He shuddered just imagining what that damn creature would have done if he hadn’t ripped the control back. Staring into the darkness of his apartment, he knew he had to stop meeting her.

Something about her really stirred the demon up, from her smell to her skin, soft to the touch; Castian felt his own body reacting to his thoughts.

He could even imagine her lips, the bottom slightly plumper than her top. The tongue ring that flashed at him as she talked, she was completely different from her cousins. Where Sabina appeared soft, and kind. She was hard, and sharp. And where Madame Lanias was elegant and graceful she was rough and abrupt. He needed to keep a low profile within Jackals while they searched for Asher. He finally had a key to everything he’d been dreaming of for the past fifteen years. He wouldn’t let it pass him by, this was his last chance.

His hands curled into fist at his side, he would grab it with both hands. And once he did that he would be able to finish this torture of his. Exhausted from fighting to control day in and day out, he closed his eyes letting his body shut down right there on the floor.



The next day Sabina watched her older sister walk back and forth; this was the first time she’d seen her sister so anxious. “Are you sure this is going to work?”

Lanias paused, luckily the carpet under her feet hadn’t become bare yet. “Are you doubting me?”

Sabina rolled her eyes at her sisters’ dramatics, “No, I just can’t see Oye going along with this.”

“And there lies my biggest problem,” Lanias said with a grimace. She rubbed her thumb and middle finger together, till smoke began to rise from between them. “She’s so contrite. If I tell her to kill everyone, she wants to be peaceful. If I say bring them back alive, she goes on a killing spree.” With a frustrated growl, she tossed the smoke into the fireplace behind her. The fireplace roared to life, the flickering flames calming down to a low crackle. “The others aren’t ready yet to be sent out, Oye is the only one who’s maintained her skill and continued to be of help to me. She also knows her way around in the human world.”

“But that doesn’t mean she’ll willingly go there and become bait for the Jackals.” Sabina said, as she continued working her fingers through the yarn in her lap. She’d recently gotten into knitting; one could almost say she’d gotten addicted to it. “Plus, she doesn’t like anything related to the council.”

Hearing this Lanias pursed her lips, “They don’t really like the council all that much either.”

Sabina was going to retort, but the sound of the door opening behind drew her attention. Both sisters watched as the subject of their thoughts entered the office. As usual Oye wore a pair of tight black jeans, with holes running down the side. Her eyes sharp, took them in quickly as she walked with loose steps towards the couch. Brushing her locs back, she tied them up with a piece of metal. Her moon-colored eyes drifted over them before they narrowed, “Were you two talking about me?”

The buckles of her leather jacket clicked as she took a seat next to Sabina. “So, what was so important that I had to call out of work for it?”

Sabina and Lanias shared a look, before Lanias spoke. “Like I mentioned before, we’re pursuing Asher. Recently we’ve gotten a little bit more information on his location.”

“Good to hear, now we just need to get around the human tape,” Oye acknowledged.

“Exactly.” Lanias said, “And to do that it requires a bit of compromise with a certain organization.”