Page 16 of Castian

“Malcolm, and Alek are already doing that,” Raijin said simply. “You’re the only one free for this request.”

Standing, Castian stretched his lips into a grin and waved his hand so his staff landed in it before it disappeared with little sign of effort. Turning he faced his leader, his eyes curved up at the sight at the more human face of his Leader. “Humph, then it seems I must go.”

He watched the tension leave Raijin’s face, as the male reached into his pocket. Obviously his phone had vibrated, the male’s face brightened as soon as he read the message there.

“Your life seems to suit you better now.”

Castian saw the confusion on Raijin’s face at his words, Afterall he’d changed the subject right in the middle of the conversation. “I want a feisty witch to make my life better,” he mused aloud before he chuckled, moving towards the other male.

“Here’s a puzzle, between a witch and a nymph, who could take my soul faster?” His mind now raced away, it happened to him more often than not. But the puzzles, riddles and inane questions kept him saner than what he would be without them.

Lifting his chin, he stared up at Raijin. “Tell me? What do you think?”

As usual when dealing with Raijin his question went unanswered, as Raijin turned away from him, “Tiller we’ll be coming by later tonight, make sure you’re back before then.”

Left alone, Castian’s eyes grew black, and his smile dropped. A sensation of mist tickling his skin drew his attention, “You aren’t supposed to be here.” He whispered.

Black arms wrapped around his shoulders, and a cheek brushed against his, “But I’m always here.”The disembodied voice said,“I only manifest for you, my most hated beloved vessel.”The creature crooned, its long claw trailing along Castian’s neck.“Why don’t you give in.”

Castian could feel his magic turning inside him, the dark tangle of emotions nearly choking him. His eyes brightened with both excitement and desperation. “Never.” He grinned, as he felt his breathing shorten as long fingers curled around his throat and squeezed.

“You’re being difficult.”The creature’s voice lost its soft quality. “Come, come we both know your mind will be mine sooner rather than later. Give in. I promise only painful pleasure.”

“Here’s a question, what’s a more exciting ending for me? Killing myself or living on the edge of sanity?”

Clicking its tongue, the creature withdrew its finger one after another. Castian pressed the tip of a gun he’d just manifested against his skull. His eyes wide, as he stared at nothing. His finger didn’t shake, it was as steady as all the other times he’d pressed it against his temple contemplating life or death. Wondering to himself, which was better, for now life was better.

Tiller had offered him and the others all a chance at life and while Castian wasn’t planning on living a long time, his life was better served ruining the world that had brought him so low.

The chilly sensation abated fully, and he lowered his hand holding the gun and turned just in time to see the Wyverns race pass overhead. Taking a deep breath, he let the gun evaporate, and sighed.

He wouldn’t die until those who’d done this to him were as miserable as he was.


The weather was perfect, Oye let her tongue ring click against her lollipop, as she watched the men below. Their movements weren’t rushed as two of them got out of the first car, and greeted the older man who’d been sitting in front of the shipping container with a gun settled on his thigh. He gave a short nod, the gravel crunched as a few of the men came from behind the container each holding an AR. The black spider-like tattoos on the back of his hand, told her he was the man she’d been searching for.

She knew that Lanias wanted her to bring back at least two of them alive, but she was still mentally debating on whether she’d bring back the humans who’d been guarding the container or the monsters wearing human skin, who were purchasing the goods to begin with.

Crouching down, where she stood on the railing she contemplated her choices. Letting go of her lollipop, she reached into her back pocket and pulled out a small block of iron. With a flick of her hand, it became a six-foot scythe.

“Which one, which one?” she hummed to herself, twirling the scythe in her hand before she stood and gave a slight hop.

Landing the steep drop easily, she knelt and looked up to find the muzzle of a gun facing her. “Shit, and here I thought you would be easy pickings,” she muttered.

The guard’s face twisted, his crunched-up features making him look like he needed to take a shit in her opinion. “Get up, slowly,” he added, motioning up with the end of his gun. “No funny shit either.”

She blinked, “No funny, but that’s the best part.”

Faster than he could blink, the tip of his rifle slid apart. He flinched as he stared in shock from the sliced end of his gun to her, rolling her wrist Oye let the scythe flip over the back of her hand before she grabbed it in a stronger grip.

The guard quickly dropped his weapon and scrambled for his holstered gun.

“Ah, ah now let’s not get too carried away.” He stilled, filling the curved blade against his throat. “Then again, I’m not out to have fun.” She mused abruptly pulling the blade across his throat. Blood spurted as he tried to scream but nothing came out but a strangle cry. Falling to his knees, he fell forward dead.

She contemplated his body, before she turned away. “No point in waiting, let’s just kill them all.”
