Page 14 of Castian

Oye felt her temper flair. So far, she’d been able to keep herself calm but apparently he wasn’t getting the hint. “Let’s just go—”

Before he could say another word, she slammed her knife through the end of the sleeve of his jacket and pinned his arm to the counter. Jumping onto the counter she grabbed his collar and jerked him forward, her eyes brightening to a moon color.

“I don’t give two fucks about your delusions. The only reason I’d ever bother to do anything with you again would be for dick, and even that you sucked shit at. So do me a favor, and leave,” she hissed.

The music had shut off abruptly, and the crowd now had their eyes on them. Her metallic earrings swung, “I don’t give second chances to trash.”

Shoving him away, she grabbed the knife and jerked it up, not bothering to soften it so it wouldn’t cut him. Standing, she looked down at those who stood around. “Free shots for the fuckers who kick him out.”

Like a bell had been rung, the crowd surged forward.

“Wait,” Rory shouted, but his voice was drowned out by the eager shouts of the crowd as they worked together to lift him up. “Stop, you can’t do this to me. Oye!”

Giving him her back, Oye hopped down only to be faced with the grinning expression of her friend. “I thought we were trying to be a more peaceful witch?”

Sending her friend an annoyed glance, she muttered a curse, “Right, Katty why didn’t you stop me.”

Katty rolled her eyes, flicking her blonde hair over her shoulder as she put ice into the three cups in front of her. “Pfft, and get a body part cut off. No thank you, I leave you to it. Plus, it’s hot," she said with a wink, shutting her ice container. She instead motioned her head to the guy standing in the corner. “Does this mean you’ll finally give that incubus some play? He's been dying to get into your cousin’s panties since he first came here. I swear he’s just going from floor to floor trying to fuck one of you.”

“Not likely,” Oye said. “Sabina’s moved in with her big bad ogre, and Lanias wouldn’t fuck anything that makes less than seven figures a day.”

Releasing a whistle, Katty set the finished drinks in front of a male sphinx and took his twenty from between his teeth. “Is she searching for a sugar baby?”

Rolling her eyes, Oye grimaced. “Ew.”

“What? I’m just keeping my options open. At the end of the day, I’ve got bills to pay.” She turned and headed to the other end of the bar.

Oye watched her go, human or being they all seemed to have something they were after. Feeling a buzz in her back pocket, she pulled her cellphone out only to pause at the sight of a message from Lanias. She mentally prepared herself for whatever it could be that her cousin wanted. Lanias only ever called her for three things, drinking, hiding a body or a mission. Shoving her phone back into her pocket, she decided to ignore it till she was finished with her shift.



Castian held a thick file in his hand.

The sound of Wickham Rowe was louder at night than it was during the day. Warlocks were running the streets seeking out a good time. He lifted the packet, “Is this everything?”

The male across from him pulled his dark glasses low, his two-colored eyes seeming to glow in the dark as he swept a hand across the table where several more manila folders appeared. His swarthy skin denoting his Romani heritage, his black hair was swept back with pomade. He flicked Castian a long look, “There is more, but it will cost you.”

Leaning back, Castian held back his frustration, “Does your partner know how you run your business? Treating clients like money bags. I didn’t take Wickham Row Inc to be so full of thieves.” He complained as his golem appeared dropping a few more rolls of money on the table.

The other man pushed his glasses back up. “You want information that my people put their lives on the line to get. It’s only fair that you pay us for each piece of hard-earned knowledge. There are many who’d be interested to learn why an infamous warlock wants to know about the Beau monde of the warlock community.”

“Seeing as those who are interested don’t know their putting their lives on the line, maybe we should keep that information between the two of us,” Castian said, as the files dropped into the open abyss that appeared under them. He grinned. “I would hate to see such a lucrative business go under.”

The man across from him stood, giving a cursory glance round the seedy bar Castian had chosen to meet him in. The others who frequented the bar kept to themselves.

“Big growl, or low growl,” he muttered before meeting Castian stare head on. “Both can be put down easily.”

With that he faded out, leaving Castian alone in the seedy bar.

Standing, Castian followed his example. It had been many years since he’d investigated his family. They thought he’d died in the bowels. His only demand of Tiller was to have his entire existence erased, any and everything about him only lead to a dead end and a tombstone.

Shortly after Tiller fulfilled his wish, and quickly, he’d wiped the fox’s memory.

Castian now had a clear chance to destroy those who’d betrayed him and set him up.

It didn’t matter what he had to pay, he would learn about his enemies and then take them down. The only thing he felt bad about was using the other’s trust to do it.