Page 11 of Castian

“And you think Asher will be at this party?” Raijin asked, turning his dark ruby eyes to Tiller. “How can you be sure?”

“Because Asher is Renson’s dog,” Tiller said with a slight smirk. “He doesn’t leave that man’s side unless Renson orders him to. So, for him to come to Veil City, as often as he has. Someone has to be giving him orders to come here.”

“It’s Renson,” Castian stated, eyeing the picture of the male that now hovered overhead. “So, how are we going to get our hands on him and Asher?”

“Unfortunately, due to our relationship with the humans we can’t invade their territory and just take him. And if he is just following orders as we believe, then he isn’t the big fish. The one we need is the one who’s ordering him around,” Tiller explained, he narrowed his eyes on the hologram that had shifted onto Asher’s face. “And something tells me he wouldn’t get involved unless there were others who’d taken the chance.”

“So, who do you think is the best choice for going to the human world?” Raijin asked, though all the men knew he did it to give Tiller the semblance of being in charge.

Castian stopped playing with his puzzle, his eyes narrowing at Raijin. “Of course, it’s me.”

Malcolm grunted. “And why do you think it has to be you, Warlock?”

“Because you’re too honorable to kill when you need to,” Castian said “And Alek has a habit of making a dangerous situation more dangerous. And let’s not forget I’m the most human out of us all.”

Alek didn’t make a sound, but he did open his eyes and offer Castian a curious glance. Which was enough to show his doubt in Castian’s words.

Castian ignored this and kept his attention on Raijin. “Also, the most important point; I’m bored.” He pouted; he was bored of waiting for his opportunity to harm those who’d harmed him.

“Ah,” Alek said. “Now you’re being honest.”

“Right,” Malcolm said, rising to his feet. “The damn warlock has been complaining since we got the office about going back into the field.” He side-eyed Castian. “Not sure what he’ll do without supervision but at least he won’t screw up his chance to play mind games.”

“Dear me, I must be growing rusty if even the mutt and bat can figure me out,” Castian teased, his voice holding a sharp bite.

“Enough,” Tiller ordered, his tail twitching. “Castian, you won’t be going alone to the human world.”

“Oh,” Castian said, his mind no longer focused on his own hidden reason for wanting to go. “And who, pray tell, is coming with me. Surely, you’re not forcing me to be stuck in a hotel room with one of those wretched male birds.”

“A witch,” Tiller said simply.

“A witch?” Castian repeated blankly, glancing at Raijin. “Is your goal my death? I mean, I would enjoy the struggle to live but our Ogrish leader wouldn’t even allow me to kiss his lovelies hand—”

“It’s not Sabina.” Raijin cut in sharply.

Castian noticed the tips of his ears had turned red. “How Amusing.”

Raijin coughed, as if to cover himself. “It won’t be Sabina. Madame Lanias has offered her assistance, as currently her people and ours have the same mission. Which is to discover who was behind Dr. Clingers attempt to recreate numb witches, and both of us agree they’ve probably relocated themselves. It’s a win-win situation for us to team up with them.”

Tiller agreed, “And she has offered up one of her people to work with us. Once we learn who she is to be, I will summon you and the others for a meeting to figure out our strategy.”

Castian hummed, his finger once more working at the puzzle. “A female witch. Sounds delicious.”

The others glared at him.

“Don’t hit on her,” Raijin said, giving Castian a stern warning. “Or experiment on her.”

Castian shrugged, shoving his now solved puzzle into his pocket. “Now, now I don’t tell you how to live your life do I ogre?”

“No, but the last time you partnered with someone outside of the Jackals. They returned mentally broken and speaking about demons and black magic.”

Castian’s expression turned innocent. “I don’t know why that has anything to do with me. I only assisted them to the best of my ability. It’s not my fault they didn’t understand what that entails.” After saying this, he quickly left the office.

“You’re not telling the truth, warlock,”a grimy voice spoke in his ears.“Your secret came out. So, you made it impossible for that male to speak.”

Castian shrugged, as he made his way towards the elevator. “I did what I must, in order to maintain peace here.”

“Keke, is it for peace or the idea of being stopped from destroying your own blood?”