Page 102 of Castian

He narrowed his golden eyes on her, “What do you know?”

She shrugged. “It doesn’t matter what I already know. What's important is what you’re planning to do once you know everything. Nerium is prepared to destroy everything you’re gathering at any time," she said, giving his paper a pointed look.

Tiller had played with the idea of taking this information to two retired councilmen, who’d worked with his father before the incident. But he wasn’t going to tell her this, but knowing the witch in front of him she probably already knew.

She approached his desk. “Let’s make a deal. You can look as deep as you want into my past, but don’t let any of it threaten my girls. I don’t care about what you find out, but if one piece of information leads to the harm of my witches. I will not hesitate in taking your life.”

He snorted. “How’s that a deal?”

She leaned forward slightly, dropping the friendly expression on her face. “It’s a choice I’ve just given you, something my girls weren’t given.”

She pulled back, and gave him her back. “Oh, and don’t forget to send the terms of the Elven contract to me. I want to be sure you didn’t put something dirty in the agreement with them that will affect Oye.” With that she left his office.

He stared after her as he slumped back into his seat. Releasing a heavy sigh, he moved some of the papers aside to see his last name on the documents covering his desk.

Before he glanced at the picture of a man who’s features were similar to his, standing next to him.

“I’ll dig until there is nothing left to find. I promise.”



Alek rubbed his sore jaw, where Madam Lanias had one of her favorite wisps of darkness knock him into next week. He and Malcolm stood outside of headquarters as they weren’t required for the talks between Tiller and the elves. Raijin had returned to his apartments with his fiancé as she’d been feeling under the weather after the third circle travel.

“One day that little witch is going to skewer you like the leach you are,” Malcolm said gruffly as he watched the vampire lower his hand to his pocket. “I don’t know what you find attractive about the woman.”

“Her scent is so full of death I want to taste it,” Alek said wistfully.

Malcolm looked at him like he was crazy. “Well, you don’t have to worry about that. You touch her one more time and she’ll offer it up on a platter.”

Alek looked thoughtfully at the werewolf who was crouched before the door. “I find it interesting that you seem the most adverse to the woman. She’s helped you overcome your heats several times.”

Aleks’ back slammed into the wall, and claws pricked into his neck. Malcolm glared at him with his fangs bared and his eyes slit like a wolf. “Don’t talk about what you don’t understand.”

Alek disappeared in a plume of red smoke and reappeared behind him. His own nature seeped out. “Don’t be angry with me, dog. Why are you so ashamed of what’s in your nature?”

Malcolm lowered his hand, not looking at him. “I’m not like the rest of you, eager to throw away my past. Mating with loose women isn’t my kind’s way.”

“Yes, but your kind’s nature is the very reason you’re with us. Abandoned, and forgotten,” Alek chastised him.

Aleks’ words hung in the air even after he left.

Malcolm, glared at the street in front of him. He knew well enough what his clan had done to him. They’d thrown him to the sharks and now here he was mating with a woman who wasn't his kind nor his mate, and spilling blood not for honor but for the council. The very council his clan had fought against joining.

The door behind him opened, quickly getting his change under control he turned to find Raijin looking at him. Malcolm immediately turned around to fully face the large male. He naturally respected the other male on some level.

Raijin kept them together from mission to mission, and though they treated their enemy ruthlessly he wasn’t unnecessarily cruel. If anything, Malcolm looked up to him, a part of him wishing he’d been a better leader to his own people.

Biting back a curse at his own thoughts he moved forward to meet the male halfway.

“Where’s Alek?” Raijin asked, his red eyes looking up and down the alleyway.

“You know how he is, he left,” Malcolm said, shrugging.

“Damn, I need to send someone to the human facility. Tiller wanted me to go, but Sabina isn’t feeling the best with the pregnancy.”

“I’ll go,” Malcolm said, easily enough. The cub was important to Raijin, who he treated as their pack leader. “I need to get out and away from this place.”