Page 62 of Chasing Waves

“You have some people that are very anxious to see you. I know talking is going to be difficult for you right now, so I will save my questions for later. If you are feeling up to it, I’d be okay with you having a few visitors, in the meantime.”

My thoughts were still muddled, but the day’s events were quickly rushing back to me. I nodded again.

“Great.” She nodded her approval to the nurse and the nurse left. “You are a very lucky woman.” I didn’t feel very lucky right now. “Your oxygen level was very low when you came in, and that’s why we needed to intubate you. Once your levels normalized, we removed it, but it will make talking and eating very uncomfortable for a few days. Stick to liquids and soft foods.”

I nodded in recognition.

“Charlee!” Genesis shouted as she came in and rushed to my side.

The doctor slipped out with Levi.

“Oh, my God, Char! You scared the hell out of us. Don’t you ever do that again,” she cried as she leaned over and placed her forehead on mine. “I’m so glad you’re okay,” she said quietly.

Genesis had come back into my life at the perfect time. And so had Levi. It was getting harder to believe it was a coincidence.

I touched my neck and then my mouth, motioning for water. I tried to say water, but it came out too scratchy and hurt like hell.

Genesis poured me a cup and helped me sit up a little so I could drink from the straw. It felt like needles when it went down, but after, my throat felt a little better. I smiled to say thank you.

Levi came back into the room and stood next to Genesis.

“Hey, you.” He smiled. He had a dimple like Bridger, only on the opposite side. He was so different from B, and yet so familiar.

“What were you thinking, Char? That was so dangerous and you almost died,” Genesis scolded.

My eyes dropped shamefully. While I didn’t regret what I did, I felt horrible for what I put Levi and Genesis through.

I mouthed, “I’m sorry.”

Genesis squeezed my hand. “I know.” She looked over to Levi and then back to me. “I think I’m going to go find us some snacks,” Genesis said as she backed out of the room.

Levi didn’t take his eyes off of me.

“You gave us quite the scare out there.” I frowned. “I’ll forgive you this once, but let’s not make a habit of it.” He winked.

I tried to laugh, but it hurt, so it was more of a tortured gurgle.

He pulled up a chair and held my hand. “The doctor said there are no signs of brain damage on your scans.”

All I could do was smile in response, but what I wanted to say was brain damage would have sucked.

“They want to keep you for a few more hours, and then we can go back to the campground.”

“Midnight,” I mouthed frantically as I sat up and panic rushed through me.

Levi put a calming hand on mine. “Midnight is fine. Beverly is with her.”

I fell back onto the bed, relieved. Beverly was a godsend.

“Listen, I don’t know what your intention was out there, but I think we should talk about it when you’re feeling better.”

I turned away and tears filled my eyes, blurring my vision again. I was slowly remembering my experience with Bridger on the water when I was drowning and it devastated me. It was like losing him all over again.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

I wiped my eyes with my free hand and turned back to Levi and managed a smile for him. He didn’t deserve this and I didn’t deserve his kindness, but here we were in spite of it all. My lids grew heavy and it was getting hard to fight off the exhaustion.

“Sleep, Char, and when you wake up, we’ll get you out of here.” He leaned over and kissed my forehead. His warm lips were the last thing I remembered as I fell asleep.