Page 39 of Chasing Waves

My dreams were crushed. There was no way someone like him would ever be in to someone as average as me.

“Why aren’t you more excited?”

I picked at the blanket. “I’m not his type. I don’t surf and I’m not a groupie.”

“Are you serious right now? You are not doing the pity party. You are beautiful and not just on the outside. I’m as crazy as they get and you’ve never given up on me. Now that takes an incredible person.”

I laughed. “You can be a little much sometimes,” I agreed in jest. In reality, Genesis was admired by all her peers, but they were too afraid of her big personality to get close. The only reason we became friends was because I punched a guy in the face for making fun of a disabled girl at school. She told me that she knew it was friends at first sight and we were never apart after that.


I hadn’t noticed when Genesis had come to my side at the sink. She placed a careful arm around me.

“I’m here now and I’m not going anywhere,” she reassured me.

Clearing my throat, I said quickly, “Thanks. I’ll be right back.” I locked myself in the bathroom, turned on the faucet, and cried quietly. I wasn’t ready to share this part of myself with anybody yet.


After Drew pulled out of the campground, I planned on heading over to check on Charlee, but as soon as her trailer came into view, I spotted her walking quickly up the beach to her site. She looked distressed as she slowed down and approached a tall slender woman with bright blonde hair who had been sitting in Charlee’s chair on her porch. Charlee stiffened and kept space between them. I watched them for a few minutes, trying to decide if I should interrupt to save Charlee from possibly a very uncomfortable situation, but then they embraced and retreated inside the trailer.

There were so many things I didn’t know about Charlee, including her new friend. Bridger’s death anniversary was only two days away and it had me wondering what Charlee’s plans were after. Was she staying or moving on? Would she travel more or go back home? What was I to Charlee? Had what we shared been enough to keep her close, or did she see me as just someone filling a void? And my newest worry, as selfish as it was, would she need me now that she had a friend here? The uncertainty became a sinking feeling that had taken root in the pit of my stomach. It was nauseating.

After pacing anxiously back and forth in front of the Airstream, I decided to head out to surf to clear my head and occupy my time. I hoped I would see Charlee and her friend emerge at some point, maybe giving me a chance to casually walk by and introduce myself, but they had stayed inside all day.

Just before sunset, I swam in and headed back to my site. I was busy pulling down my wetsuit to my waist, so I didn’t see Charlee’s friend approach.

“Wow. I didn’t realize walking to the parking lot would be so entertaining.” She pushed her silky blonde hair over her shoulders and folded her arms across her body, boldy checking me out. She was striking, her blue eyes popping against her fair skin. Her pink full lips curved up mischievously as she ogled my bare chest, revealing dimples on either side of her cheeks.

Feeling slightly exposed all of a sudden, I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my shoulders, pretending to dry off. This was my chance to find out who she was.

“Are you staying here?” I asked nonchalantly as I grabbed my bottled water off the little table and chugged it.

She let out a quick laugh and looked down at her jeans. “Do I look like I’m dressed for camping?” She shook her heels dangling from her fingers.

“I guess not.” I smiled, acting as if I hadn’t seen her with Charlee earlier. “Just visiting?”

“Yeah. My friend is staying a few trailers down.” She pointed at Charlee’s trailer. “You’ve probably seen her around? Gorgeous brunette?”

I nodded, “Yeah.” I smiled slyly. Charlee obviously hadn’t told her friend about me yet, which was disappointing, but this gave me an advantage. “How long are you here for?” I took another sip of water, trying to mask my ruse. I was never good at lying or hiding things.

She glanced at Charlee’s trailer. “I’m not sure yet.” Her tone was uncertain. “Hopefully for at least a few days. It’s her late husband’s two-year death anniversary on Tuesday.”

My heart sank when she confirmed what I suspected all along and now I needed to figure out how to proceed with Charlee because her friend would surely bring up our meeting. We were connected in some twisted sort of fate, and I couldn’t keep the truth from her any longer. “Oh,” I said glumly.

She straightened her spine. “I’m Genesis, by the way, and my friend is Charlee with two e’s.”

I snorted, which garnered a weird look from Genesis. They must be close if she introduces Charlee the same way Charlee introduces herself.

“I’m Levi.” I held out my hand and she laced hers in mine delicately, raising a flirty eyebrow.

“It’s very nice to meet you, Levi.” One side of her mouth upturned.

Genesis was trouble, and the exact opposite of Charlee. She was bold and confident, whereas Charlee was quiet and subdued. She was still holding my hand, so I slipped mine out carefully.

She wrapped one arm across her body, letting the heels dangle from her other hand and popped out her hip. She definitely knew how to flirt with her body and she was sexy as hell, but I only had eyes for Charlee.

“How is Charlee doing?”