Page 25 of Chasing Waves

“What about you, Charlee? Do you have a life out there waiting for you to return to? Parents? Siblings? Husband?”

My mouth dried up and my heart pounded against my chest. I opened my mouth to speak, but then changed my mind and closed it.

He waved his hands, “Don’t answer that. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…I shouldn’t pry.”

You can’t hide forever.

I sucked in a calming breath and turned to the ocean, away from him, to collect myself. “My dad died twelve years ago and my mom a few years later.”

“I’m so sorry,” he said.

“They had me when they were in their mid-forties, so they weren’t that young when they passed. They called me theirlast-chance baby. They had tried for decades and had all but given up and then, surprise.” I smiled remembering how they told the story. They loved me so tenderly, like I was a precious gift from the universe and they spoiled me endlessly. “My grandparents on both sides had passed when I was really young, so I don’t really remember them, and my dad had a brother, but he was a lot older than him and passed when I was nine. My mom was an only child.” I stopped myself there. I didn’t know why I was rambling off my tragic family tree. I left out Bridger.

“Damn, I’m sorry.”

I turned back to Drew. “Don’t be. I was very loved and cared for.”

Loved more than most.

I picked up another shell from my hand, twisted my body, and tossed it. It skimmed the surface, skipping four times.

“You did it!” Drew shouted. I laughed as he jumped up and down, clapping like Bridger and I used to. “It skipped four times. Is that a record for you?”

I looked back at the ocean and nodded. The most Bridger and I had ever done was three.

“The water gods truly shine on you, Charlee with two e’s,” he announced proudly.

This is where you will always find me.

I gasped, the magic of the moment swirling around me.


I didn’t know how long I was lost in the moment, but Drew had left quietly, leaving me to soak it in. Maybe Bridger was out there, somewhere, sending me a sign that I was not alone.


When I got back from a run, I saw Drew down the beach with Charlee. My body stiffened as I watched them toss something into the water and laugh. Charlee and I had a major breakthrough this morning, but it seemed she had with Drew as well. I liked seeing her happy. I just would prefer it were with me. We had been here over a week now, and she had really come alive in the last few days. I wasn’t ready to leave.

Drew was headed back up to our campsite, so I went inside and quickly pulled off my sweaty shirt and put on a clean one and popped back out of the Airstream as soon as he made it to the site.

“Hope the run helped you cool off,” Drew snapped. He grabbed the bag of trail mix sitting out and tossed some into his mouth. I had missed him earlier, so I went for a run.

“About that, sorry for being a jerk.” I fell into one of the chairs and chugged a bottled water.

“As long as you have seen the error of your ways, I forgive you.”

I gruffed. “You’re so weird, man. When do you have to get back?”


I sat forward. “Seriously? That’s in three days.”

“Yeah, I know. I should be leaving tomorrow, but I know you have some unfinished business here.” Drew tipped his head toward Charlee’s trailer.

I looked over, but she wasn’t outside. “I saw you guys down there. Looked like she was having a good time.” I tossed some mix into my mouth and sat back, trying to act unaffected by where this conversation was going.

“Aww, are you jealous of this old man?” He patted his chest. “I’m flattered.”