Page 90 of Memories of Me

Saying Goodbye

WE DROPPED GRADYoff at his apartment. I was slightly confused as we drove up the big hill to Grady's house instead of going back to the bungalow.

"My stuff is at Nichole's."

We lived around the corner from Nichole, which I had put together once everything came back to me. I didn’t know her before my accident, though. She started working at the restaurant right after. She took a chance on my friendship and I really liked her. I was hoping we would become good friends.

"I know." He winked.

"You're being oddly mysterious, Mr. Reilly." He stayed silent with his secretive grin flashing his beautiful dimples. "Fine. I'll play." I sat back and relaxed. When we pulled into Grady’s driveway, the floodlight illuminated a huge Welcome Home banner across the garage. It took a moment for the true meaning of the sign to sink in.

"This is your house." I gasped.

"Our house. It was supposed to be your belated wedding present. It was completed just before you…I thought it would help us start over."

I was shaking my head in complete disbelief. "This is…so thoughtful, Brandt. It's…perfect."

He took my hand. "You took my breath away when I first met you, and then when we met after the coma, you did it again. It doesn't matter what life we live, Baylor. We have proven twice we were meant to be together."

"No matter what," I repeated his infamous words.

He scooped my cheek in his hand and kissed me tenderly. With every touch, I was feeling more and more alive again. The ache was still there, but I was healing.

The heat between us increased exponentially as his hand slid to the back of my neck and gripped me tightly. I climbed over the center console and straddled him, going deeper into the moment. My fingers remembered every thick strand of hair, and my lips savored the taste they had missed so much.

"Let's take this inside," Brandt whispered down my neck.

He cupped my bottom, threw open the door, and managed to carry me out of the car to the front door, all the while devouring my lips. Our breathing was rushed, and our sounds far from silent. He kicked open and closed the front door, carried me down the hallway, and threw me onto the bed. Not skipping a beat, he climbed on top of me and planted kisses all over my neck, only pausing to slip off his shirt and toss it onto the floor.

"I've missed you so much, Bay."

"You'll never have to miss me again."

I WOKE UPthe next morning tangled in the sheets alone, but I instantly caught a whiff of my morning addiction mixed with some bacon and possibly pancakes. This man knew the way into my bed and heart. I jumped out of bed, but instantly felt dizzy and crashed to the floor. I heard footsteps race to me.


Brandt was by my side in an instant. "I'm fine. I'm just a little dizzy. I probably need to eat. Can you grab my robe, please?" I was pathetically naked on the hardwood and feeling the morning chill.

He threw the robe over me, and I slid my arms inside as he helped me to my feet.

"Let's get you fed."

He kept his arm secured around my waist until I was safely on the bar stool. He put a plate of pancakes and bacon in front of me and slid me a cup of coffee. I grabbed for the coffee first and inhaled its aroma deeply as I took the first sip. Brandt chuckled.


"Some things never change."

I joined him in the carefree moment. "I guess not."

He sat next to me with his plate and dug in. Everything was delicious. It was almost as if I were eating everything for the first time, but remembering it at the same time. It was both confusing and wonderful.

"Are you feeling better? I mean, I know I'm an animal in bed, but I didn't mean to literally take the life out of you," he joked and I laughed hard. Probably harder than the comment warranted, but it reminded me of the days before all the darkness.

"And apparently, I have super powers of laughter," he added.

"All sorts of super powers, Mr. Reilly. All sorts." He leaned over and kissed me, giving me a taste of the bacon on his lips. "You taste very yummy."