Page 98 of Memories of Me

One-Night Stand

WHEN I ROLLED over, my arm hit something hard. Peering through one eye, I saw the girl from last night passed out. And she was snoring. I sighed to myself, rubbing the hangover from my face and rolling out of bed. Her clothes were strewn about the room, so I gathered them into a pile and tossed them on the floor next to the bed. Hopefully she would be gone when I got back. She was a good one-night stand, but nothing beyond that. I threw on some jeans and shoes and pulled on my shirt as I was closing the front door softly.

“It’s usually the other way around,” a snotty voice said behind me.

I cringed. It was Lucas’ girlfriend. I pulled down the rest of my shirt as she glared back at me.

“And you know from experience?” I retorted.

She huffed as she took a long drag of her cigarette. “Whatever.”

“Are you judging me as you take a drag of a cancer stick? At least my transgressions won’t kill me,” I snapped back at her quick judgment.

She pushed off the rail and raised an amused eyebrow. “You obviously don’t know Tina. Good luck.” She snickered as she put out her cigarette and flicked it off the balcony. She tossed her head and went back into her apartment.

“That’s littering,” I said as she slammed her door.

Tessa would have pulled her by the hair and down the stairs to pick it up. I grumbled at this chick’s lack of respect. I retrieved the cigarette and pounded on her door. When she opened it, I flicked the cigarette at her chest and walked back down the stairs.

“Are you kidding me? You jerk,” she shouted after me.

I flipped her the finger, proud as shit. I had never been the asshole, but it felt damn good. This year would be my year. Fuck everyone else.

I grabbed a coffee from the local coffee shop. It was still early on a Sunday morning so it was relatively quiet. I took a seat to kill time so I didn’t have to go back to Tina. How the hell Lucas’ girlfriend knew she was in my apartment was a mystery to me. I had gotten pretty drunk, though. I polished off the rum and the beers in between hooking up with Tina on the bench. I didn’t even remember bringing her back to my place. I hope she didn’t turn out to be a psycho. I didn’t need that shit right now. Soccer and school. That was it. That was enough.

I stood in front of my apartment door an hour later hoping she would be gone, but she wasn’t. She had made a pot of coffee and was frying bacon in her bra and underwear.

“There you are.” She flashed a smile.

“What are you doing?” I crossed my arms, not the least bit amused.

“Making breakfast, silly. This was all I could find. You really need to go to the store.” She kept her back to me.

“You need to go.” I stood stiffly in front of my open door.

“What?” She turned around. Her smile faded, replaced with a scowl. “Are you fucking kidding me?” she yelled.

“Do I look like I’m kidding? It was a fucking one-night stand, not a date.”

She was hot, but clearly unhinged. Who the hell sticks around after a drunken hookup and makes breakfast half-naked?

“You’re a prick.” She stormed into the bedroom and came out a second later hopping on one foot as she slipped on her heels. “You’re missing out.” She flipped me off on her way out. “Asshole.”

A laugh from the hallway drew my attention. Lucas’ girlfriend was leaning on the railing with a smug smile plastered on her face. “Told you.”

I grunted and slammed my door. This place was jacked up. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I finished the bacon and drank some more coffee and then crashed on the couch before afternoon practice.

My phone alarm woke me thirty minutes before practice. I took a quick shower and then jogged to the field to run off the residual hangover. I joined the guys for goal practice.

“So, Tina, huh?” Steven chuckled.

“Dude, what the fuck? How does everyone know?” The other guys were listening now.

“You live next door to Casen, dude,” Steven replied.


“My girlfriend.” Lucas walked up. “Nice job with Tina. You are officially a Bear.” He patted me on the shoulder.