Page 94 of Memories of Me

He was inhaling another hit and choked it out. "What the hell?" He coughed harder.

"Are you going to keel over? I guess this would be a very convenient place to do it."

"Ha-ha. You're hilarious. Are you being straight right now?"

"Yes." My stomach knotted nervously.

"Wow, this is—"

"Nuts. I know," I cut him off.

"I was going to say cool, but yes, nuts, too. When did this all happen?"

"We slept together the night I tried to kill myself."



He took another drag. He blew it in the other direction, waving at the smoke dramatically, making me laugh. He then put the joint out on his shoe and tucked it back into his pocket.

"Are you good with all this?" he asked carefully.

"I'm trying to be. It's a lot so soon, but I don't really have a choice. Sink or swim."

"'Sink or swim,'" he repeated and then shot his eyes up to mine. "I can't leave."

"No, no, no, Grady. You can leave, and you will. Brandt and I got this. We'll be fine. This is your time to shine now. You deserve so much. Let yourself have this."

He turned away. I knew he was considering what I was saying, even though it went against all the Grady instincts.

"I need to go," he said sadly.

"You need to go. It'll be great, Grady, and you can come home for the holidays and see my fat belly and make fun of my cankles."

"That does sound like fun," he teased. "Damn, girl, I'm going to miss you."

"I'm going to miss you, too." He moved next to me and pulled me to his side.

"To new beginnings, Mrs. Reilly."

"To new beginnings, Grady."