Page 92 of Memories of Me

"No, it's just a lot right now." My heart was still pounding and the sense of calm from breakfast had all but disappeared.

He took my hand. "We can do this, Bay. I know it's not what we would have wanted right now, but –”

"It's not that I don't want this. I do. I want a baby. I just thought it would be later. A lot later. When I wasn't so messed up still."

"You're not messed up, Bay. The light that I fell in love with returned yesterday. It's here." He placed his hand on my chest. "It's strong. You’re strong. And that is why I know we can do this. What happened with our other baby was a tragedy, but I have to believe the universe gave this to us to help us heal. I have to believe that."

"You've always had so much strength. Where does it all come from?"

"From loving you, Bay. It all comes from loving you."

My heart stopped for just a second. "I am the luckiest girl in the world. Thank you for giving me a little piece of you."

"Not a little piece. You have it all."

He kissed me softly and then rested his forehead on mine. "We're having a baby."

"Does Grady know?"

"No, I wanted you to tell him when you were ready."

"He's leaving, Brandt, and he needs this, too. What if he changes his mind because of what happened before? He has to go."

"I know, and that's why I have faith you will know exactly what to say to make sure he still does. I've never understood the bond you two have, and I've been jealous of it at times, but I'm glad you guys have it. He needs someone like that. Someone to keep him grounded and kick his ass when it's called for."

"You can always count on me for a good ass whooping."

"Yes, I know."

He hugged me tightly.

We were having a baby.

"WHERE ARE WEgoing?" Grady sat in the passenger seat.

"You'll see."

"You realize I'm leaving at the ass crack of dawn tomorrow, right?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were wearing your little boy tighty-whities today."

He looked like he was trying really hard to find a good comeback, but he laughed obnoxiously loud instead. "That was a good one."

"Thank you. Now put on your big boy patience pants."

"Yes, ma'am."

I drove down the atrocious 405 Freeway. We got lucky, though, because traffic was actually moving. We had just missed the morning traffic by leaving before dawn.

"So, what is the big man on campus going to do first?"

"Drink," he answered. I shot him a disapproving glare. "Kidding. There's a team meeting in the afternoon and then a party put on by the club. Just going with the flow."

"That's great. It sounds like a lot of fun. You're twenty-one now, so this is what you should be doing."

"Well, I imagined sex, drugs, and rock and roll, but I guess I can settle for sex, school, and soccer. The three S's."

"Wow, that's clever. And, oh so classy, but I approve. Have fun and don't forget about the little people when you get recruited for a pro team."