Page 64 of Memories of Me

"Are you going to be okay?" I brushed out Tessa's hair.

"I don't know, Bay. I love him so much, but I just feel like I need this."

"Listen to me. That man out there loves you more than he loves himself. He will wait for you, Tessa. His heart will always be yours. You have to let him go, Tess. You have to give him that if you're not sure."

"I'm so sorry I'm ruining your weekend," she cried.

I hugged her closely. "You could never ruin anything, Tessa. You're my little sister, and you will always come first. I don't know what I would do without you."

After lunch, we took a shuttle to the Stanford University Guest House where we decided to stay since we were really only going to be there for the night. It was fascinating with high security, but definitely felt like being in a dorm rather than a hotel. I think that was the point. The rooms were small and furnished with just the essentials. Tessa and I were sharing a room, mainly out of respect for our parents and really nothing to do with the tradition of not seeing the bride before the wedding. I didn't really buy into silly little traditions, hence the smallest wedding, ever.

We dropped our things off quickly and then headed to campus. It was impressively intimidating. It made me even more proud of Tessa. My little sister was going to be a scientist, and this was the place that was going to steal her from me for the next several years. I had a small pang of jealousy, although I never saw myself going this route. I was more into designing and creating.

I stood in front of the flowerbed designed as an "S" at the entrance to the school in complete awe. Grady and his parents stayed at the hotel and were going to meet up with us at the welcome party. Brandt refused to leave my side.

"So, what do you all think?" Tessa addressed us with a smile.

"It's amazing, honey. We are so proud of you. Both of you," our mother replied.

Tessa jumped in Mom's arms. She was back to normal when Grady wasn't around, which showed how much she needed this. She was too young to be dealing with pregnancy and miscarriages and life-altering love. She needed to be my fun-loving little sister again.

The party was lovely and a bit snooty, but Tessa faked it well. My parents blended right in, not that they were snooty, but they knew how to mingle with all types of classes, and they made sure Brandt's parents were at ease, too. There was a full bar, food, instrumentalists, and we all played the part by dressing in the suggested gala attire. Brandt and Grady looked absolutely delicious in their suits, and they were both hit on numerous times by the incoming class. It was amusing to watch. Tessa had disappeared in the flurry. Brandt stayed close to my side after the third attempt by a girl to take him somewhere less crowded.

"Did she really say that?" I laughed.

"Yes, and she was dead serious."

"Please, tell me you told her you were getting married tomorrow?"

"I did, which only made her try harder, like I was at my bachelor party looking for one last hookup."

I raised a brow and put a hand on my hip. "Well? Are you looking for one last hookup, Mr. Brandt?"

He grabbed me around the waist and pulled me in close. My body tingled as he nibbled on my neck, making his way up.

"Only if it's with you, Mrs. Brandt."

The whisper of a kept promise. As if one more day would kill us after two years of waiting, I let him steal me away from the party. With his hand carefully planted on the small of my exposed backless dress, we ran to the curb and jumped into a waiting cab. My heart was racing. We should have waited one more day, but neither one of us could. Maybe it was the excitement of the evening or the fact we were both dressed to impress. It didn't matter. We both knew tonight it was meant to be. We didn't speak in the cab until I noticed we weren't headed back to the Guest House.


"Shhh…" He lifted his finger to my lips.

It was going to take every ounce of self-control in me not to jump on his lap right now in this cab. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. A second later, his lips were on mine. It was a soft, patient kiss. It was the kind of patience I wish I had, because all I wanted to do was devour him. I was focusing so hard on keeping it together that I barely noticed getting out of the cab and entering the resort. I kept staring at the back of Brandt's body, watching it move smoothly under the pressure the evening was now weighing on both of us. I couldn't tell if he was nervous or not. He hid it well, if he was. He swooped me into the elevator and backed me against the wall, both of his hands trapping me between him.

"Are you shaking, Mrs. Brandt?" He raised a sexy eyebrow to me.

"A little bit," I said breathlessly. "I thought you wanted to wait?"

"How could I possibly wait another night and an eight-hour train ride when you're wearing that?"

I had bought a new dress for the occasion—a deep purple silk skater dress that left little to the imagination. Or a lot.

He leaned in to kiss my neck just as the elevator opened to the top floor. It was a gorgeous foyer with only two doors to choose from. My mouth dropped open. "Brandt, what did you do?"

"What? It was all they had left on such short notice." He winked. "We're over here."

He walked to the door on the right, so I stumbled behind, completely surprised. "We didn't even tell my parents we were leaving."