Page 49 of Memories of Me

Six Months, But Who’s Counting?

BRANDT BROUGHT ME back to the cliffs for our six-month anniversary. I imagined most girls would want a fancy dinner by limo for Valentine’s Day, but Brandt knew me better than anyone, and this was beyond perfect. He borrowed his brother’s truck and threw down an air mattress and blankets. It never really got that cold in Southern California, but it was a chilly night so we had the cliffs to ourselves. It was also a weeknight, so the teenagers that threw parties here on the weekends were absent. It was just me, Brandt, and a million stars.

He pulled the blankets up to my neck when a burst of shivers flew over my body. “Was this okay? I know it’s cold.”

I rolled my head from the stars to face him, his green eyes positively glowing. “This is perfect and the flowers are gorgeous.”

“You aren’t disappointed that they aren’t roses?”

“No way.” He had given me a little pot of forget-me-not flowers that he grew himself. It was a beautiful and thoughtful gesture.

He took my chin between his thumb and index fingers and brushed lightly. “I never want you to forget me, Bay. No matter what happens, I want you to remember tonight. Us. Just like this.”

My heart fluttered and he leaned over and brushed his lips across mine, nuzzling my nose with his, and then kissing me deeply. Brandt was worth the wait. All those years wondering what was wrong with me because I hadn’t fallen in love with anyone were gone. Erased. My heart had been waiting patiently for Brandt. For the perfect one.

He rolled on top of me, kissing me deeper and loving me passionately, and I wanted to be with him. I wanted to show him how much I loved him, but I was scared.

“Brandt, wait,” I whispered through labored breaths.

“What’s wrong?” He slid off me, propping on his elbow and brushing locks of my hair behind my shoulder.

Lying here now, facing him, I regretted telling him to stop. I fell on my back, covered my face, and mumbled, “I’m still a virgin.” I peeked through spread fingers to see his reaction.

“Oh.” He smiled. “Hmmm, weird we haven’t really talked about this.”

He sat up and I did, too. “I know, right?” I twirled my hair around my finger nervously.

“I just assumed every time you stopped you weren’t ready with me.”

“No,” I shouted a little too loudly, and then we both shared a laugh. My cheeks were hot, and my fingertips were tingling. “I just haven’t met the right one.” I smiled shyly and dipped my head. His fingers hooked my chin and lifted my eyes to his.

“I’m glad,” he said, reassured.

“Really? That’s a relief because I was worried you would think I was weird being twenty and still a virgin.”

“I think it’s amazing. You’re amazing.” He paused and then continued, “I just wish I could say the same. Had I known there was someone out there like you, I would have waited.”

“Really?” I blushed.

“Yes.” He leaned over and kissed me softly and then rested his forehead on mine. “I’ll wait as long as you need, Bay.”

“Forever?” I arched a playful eyebrow.

“Well, maybe not forever.” He shook off a chuckle, and I fell back into his arms.

“I won’t make you wait forever,” I whispered.