Page 48 of Memories of Me

"Aw." I smiled.

"Wait, you mean you didn't insist on seeing a picture before you met me? You're way braver than me."

"I guess I like living on the wild side." I winked playfully.

All I wanted was for Tessa and Grady to disappear already, but they were glued to our sides for the rest of the night, and my eyes were glued to Brandt's for eternity.

Since Brandt had driven separately, he managed to convince them to let him drive me home. It was hard not to jump up and down, because that was exactly what the stupid, giddy, little girl inside me was doing. I had a couple of boyfriends in school, but nothing serious, and none that made me feel like this. This was different. This was more.

And, on top of it, he drove a really nice car. It kind of made me drool a little.

"You want to drive it?" he asked.

"Ummm, yeah, if you don't mind." I was dying inside. I loved cars. I didn't know why, but driving down a quiet road with the music blasting and the windows rolled down always brought on an overwhelming sense of freedom.

He held the driver's door open, and I hopped inside happily. He laughed as he shut the door. As soon as I saw the stick shift, I frowned. The passenger door opened, and he slid inside and watched me glare at the stick.

"Not a stick driver, huh?" he asked. I shook my head sadly. "Well, I guess we are going to have to change that, aren't we?"

I couldn't hide the fact he had just made my night. "Really? I don't want to break your car. It's so pretty." I petted the leather console separating us.

"Yes, it is quite the beauty, and, yes, I'm sure. You won't break my car. I'm more worried about you breaking my heart."

I blushed. From any other guy that would have been the cheesiest line on the planet, but it sounded so natural coming from those lips. And honest. If he was alluding to me breaking his heart, then he must have at least seen himself with me past tonight, which raised pebbles all over my skin.

"You ready?" he asked.

"Are you?" I responded.

He shot me a seductive smile, revealing his hidden dimples and melting my willpower.

Getting out of the parking lot was a bit tricky and required me learning not only first gear but also reverse. After many tries, we made it out. It was not a smooth start, either, but after we hit the main road, I was doing much better. I had to ditch the heels, so I was driving barefoot. My dress was barely covering my underwear since it was so short, and I caught him staring several times. I liked Brandt. I was willing to go as far as saying I fancied him even a little more than that.

"I don't live that far from here," I commented.

"Do you mind if I keep you out a little later?"

Did I mind? No, I didn't mind. I never wanted to go home again. "Sure. Where are we going?"

"My favorite spot."

He gave me directions up into the rocky hills. I had heard of people going back here, but I had never been here myself. It was a dirt trail, and being a newbie stick-shift driver, I was a little nervous, so we switched seats. The cliffs hugged either side of us, but once we got through the pass, it opened up to a pitch-black sky filled only with stars. No city lights could be mistaken here. It was breathtaking.

He parked off to the side. My heart was racing. I was excited to be here with Brandt, but I was also terrified on the cliff’s edge. I had always been scared of heights.

"Are you scared?" he asked as he placed his hand on mine that was resting on the center console.

"I was." We sat for a few silent seconds. "This place is unbelievable." I looked over at him as he stared out the window. "I bet you bring all the girls here."

"Actually, you're the first."

Yep, I was a goner.

"There. Look. A shooting star." He pointed excitedly.

I caught the end of the blazing trail. "Make a wish."

"It already came true," he replied, squeezing my hand.

I didn't think I ever wanted to let go. His hand just fit so perfectly with mine, like our hands were meant to be together. We were meant to be together. I rolled my head to face him while still resting on the headrest. "I like you, Mr. Brandt."

Instead of answering me, he leaned over the console, causing serious eruptions in my blood, and as he got closer, the anticipation of my first kiss with him had my chest heaving deeply. He reached out and took a lock of hair next to my cheek and stroked it slowly, never losing eye contact. His eyes were a combination of hazel and green, and his lips only inches from mine were a supple red that screamed for mine. His thumb brushed my jawline, causing me to shiver inappropriately, and then he rested his forehead to mine, sucking in a labored breath.

"I'm going to kiss you, if you'll let me." He restrained his whisper.

I couldn't take my eyes off his lips. I managed a barely coherent "uh-huh" to slip out as he let go of my hair, gripping the back of my neck desperately, and grazed his lips on mine. A gasp escaped me.

His lips finally devoured mine and we kissed for hours. He was slow and sweet and was turning out to be the man I had been holding out for all these years. What the future held for us was still unknown, but if it was anything like this moment, it was promising.