Page 43 of Memories of Me

"Hey, wake up."

The voice was unfamiliar. I cracked my eyes open to see Alex wearing a bright smile and the source of my shaking. The dim light hinted to the sun just rising. Her facial features matched Nichole's—defined cheekbones, oval face, and olive skin. She had green eyes, whereas her sister had brown, and her hair was dark, but cut in a messy pixie cut. Nichole wore hers long.

"Hey." My voice cracked as I sat up.

"You're a leaf," she said seriously.

"Ummm, okay?" Great. Was she high now? She really was a mess.

"Your name." She giggled. "I remember thinking it was odd and reminded me of an herb. I can't remember which one, though."

"So, you really do know me?" I was almost wide-awake now.

"Yes, silly, I told you that last night."

"Well, forgive me for questioning the truthfulness coming from a drunk."

"Ouch." A pout formed on her face.

"Sorry. That came out wrong."

"You've been talking to my sister."

"She's just worried about you."

She stood up and paced the area next to my makeshift bed. "I know. I hate disappointing her. I'm trying. I really am. I just can't get the crash out of my mind. It's there when I'm awake, and it's even more vivid in my dreams. I found being drunk or high was the only way I could get rid of it."

I was pretty sure Alex and I were having a moment, and I really wanted to be there for her, but call me selfish because I wanted to know my name even more.

"I give up. Just tell me your damn name," she spat out, defeated and throwing herself at the foot of the bed.

"I don't know it," I replied.

"What?" Alex yelled. "Are you kidding me? Now, this is going to bug me until I figure it out. How do you not know your own name?" She stared, dumbfounded.

"You know you're really self-absorbed, right?" I was appalled at her reaction to me telling her I didn't know my name.

"Sorry. It's just one of those things, you know? Like it's on the tip of your tongue and you want to beat it out because it's driving you completely insane not remembering."

"Yeah, I get it. Trust me." Alex was going on my people-to-avoid list. "I had an accident, and I forgot." Short, but to the point. I wasn't in the mood to rehash the story.

"Oh, that sucks. Okay, then it's even more important I remember for you." Alex chewed on her finger.

Her thinking face was painful to watch. "It's fine. I'm in therapy."

"No, really. I'm going to remember. What about the hot guy you were with?"

"Why don't you tell me about him and when you saw us together?"

"It was before my accident. A friend dragged me to some huge celebration for another friend. I didn't really know anyone there, and I got pretty wasted."

"When was this party?"

"Last August. It was a pretty rad rager."

"Can you tell me what the guy looked like? Or maybe his name?"

"I don't remember his name, but I think he was with the people throwing the party. He was tall, hot as hell, nice body, clean-shaven, dark, short hair. Oh, and his eyes were amazing. Green, I think."