Page 37 of Memories of Me

Don’t Forget about Me

I SAT ONthe little patio after Brandt left. I couldn't put all my thoughts together in a sensible order, so I just watched as the waves broke on the beach. Nichole was sweet and brought me a cup of coffee and returned with a laptop, placing it onto the little bistro table.

"I think this would be a good time to start searching for the girl behind the name Freckles." She smiled.

"Thanks, Nichole. Sorry about all that."

"Yeah, that was something. Are you sure you guys just met? That was pretty intense."

“It was, which is why I had to leave. I just woke up from a coma and found out I'm suicidal. I'm not equipped to deal with an epic love story right now. I don't even think I'm capable of dealing with the truth."

"I know. Look, I'm not here to judge you, but I think you made the right decision, from a wanna-be psychiatrist's point of view. Your brain is on overload. I think tackling one thing at a time is the best thing. I can see it in your eyes. You're scared to lose him, but I promise you, with the way he handled you and the way he looked at you, he's not going anywhere. He's being selfless right now and giving you the space you need. He must care about you a lot."

I sniffed back at a tear. "I'm supposed to start seeing a psychiatrist."

"I think that's a good idea.”

"Will you go with me? I know it's a lot to ask because you don't know me, but I'm scared to go alone."

She put her hand on mine. "I like you, Freckles. You remind me of my little sister. If you want me to be there, I'll go. I've been struggling on a thesis topic. Would you mind if I killed two birds with one stone?"

"Not at all. It's the least I can do to repay you."

"I won't use names, but I think this is fascinating. I mean, it sucks for you, but from a psychiatrist's standpoint, this is a pretty rare opportunity. And if I can help you in the process, even better."

I smiled in agreement.

"Now, where do we begin with this search? Do you remember anything? Any names, high school, jobs?"

"No, the only memory I have had is kissing a man, but I couldn't see his face."

"Well, that's a pleasant memory, at least."

"Yeah, but it complicated my feelings with Brandt a bit."

"Right. I can see how that would.”

“Oh, and I did have this weird nightmare, but I couldn’t decipher too much from it. Just a blinding light and a loud horn.”

“An accident, maybe?” Nichole added.

“Maybe.” I shrugged, unsure.

“Okay, at what hospital were you treated?" she asked.

"Scripps in Encinitas," I replied.

"Oh, nice. Great hospital. They have one of the best brain injury programs."

"I guess I was at the right place then."

"More importantly, it means you are probably from here. What day were you admitted?"

"June fourth." She started typing. "What are you doing?"

"I'm doing a Google search to see if anyone reported someone missing after that."

I watched her face contort as she opened tabs and closed them, clearly frustrated. I eventually turned back to the ocean. My confidence was depleting with every minute that passed and every cuss word she spat out.