Page 16 of Memories of Me

"I'm sorry." Brandt withdrew his hand quickly.

The waves crashed loudly against the rocks below our feet and the sea gulls squawked as they soared overhead.

"We should go back,” he said when I remained silent.

"Yeah," was all I could say because a mix of emotions had rolled through me when he touched me and I was having a hard time understanding them. I was elated, but sad.

He helped me off the rock, careful with how much he touched me now, and then led me back up the cliff.

"Thank you. I don't know why you guys are helping me, but you're right. I don't have anyone else right now, but I do have you guys."

"Do me a favor, though, Freckles. You are a little trusting with us, so maybe be more cautious."

"Are you saying I should padlock my doors and sleep with one eye open?" I teased.


"Well, the fact your brother is a regular volunteer at the hospital, and everyone seemed to know and love him, and they let him take me home spoke volumes to my psycho killer meter, if that makes you feel better."

He erupted into a heartfelt laugh that made me want to leap into his arms, wrap my legs around his waist, and plant a kiss on his mouth. I had so many feelings for Brandt and we had just met, which told me my feelings couldn’t be trusted. It wasn’t normal and the insta-love, like, or whatever, was making me super uncomfortable.

"That does give me some comfort. Thank you.” He smiled.

The silence drifted between us as he stood with his hands firmly in his jeans pockets, rocking on his feet, and I twisted my hair absentmindedly.

"Do you want to come in? I mean, it's practically your house." My invitation hung with a question mark of hesitation. I wasn't sure if I wanted to invite him inside, but I wasn't sure I didn't want to invite him either.

"Actually, I have to get going. Grady and I have a business dinner."

"Oh, okay then." I nervously brushed my foot back and forth in front of me.

"Do you want to come?" His question raised a few octaves near the end.

"Really? That would be awesome. I've been feeling…"

"Island fever?" he finished.

"Yeah, kind of. Only we aren't on an island." I laughed.

"But, we do have an ocean."

"Yes, that we do." He rubbed the back of his neck again.

The conversation was getting awkward again as we tried to make small talk.

"Do I have a few minutes to change?" I wasn’t exactly dressed for a dinner out.

"Yeah, I'm just going to run home and get the car. I'll be back in fifteen."

"Sounds great. I'll be ready." I was fighting to hide the giddiness in my voice.

"See you in a few," he said as he jogged out of sight.

I rushed inside and rifled through the clothes that Grady had bought for me on the way home from the hospital. My wardrobe consisted of a couple of shirts, a casual dress, and two pairs of jeans. I sighed deeply. I really needed to get a job soon.

I couldn't decide between jeans and a shirt, or the sundress. I wanted to look nice, and the dress was really cute but still casual. It was white with a faint grey and pink embroidered floral pattern on it, and the spaghetti straps added a touch of sexy. Did I want to come off as sexy? Maybe. I smiled.

I yanked the sundress from the hanger, causing the hanger to spin and fall to the floor. I pulled off my shirt and jeans and slipped into the dress and then rushed to the bathroom to look myself over. The dress looked nice, but my bra straps didn’t, so I unclasped my bra and slipped it off, tossing it behind me into the bedroom.