Page 103 of Memories of Me

When she spun back around, she gave me a wicked look that made me smile. Not just a smile I flashed to make others comfortable. It was a real smile that made me feel just a little lighter for a second.

“He smiles! It’s a miracle,” she announced dramatically as she raised her hands in the air, looking to the sky. Her long dark hair cascaded around her as she shook her head, and when her eyes met mine again, I raked my hand through my hair nervously. It was brief, but I felt something that I hadn’t felt in a very long time, but it was gone now, and the exhaustion was settling into my sore muscles.

“Anyway, goodnight.”

“Still need my notes?”

She stood casually with her hands on her hips and one leg popped out, looking like she didn’t have a care in the world. Much like Tessa.

“Oh, yeah. Ummm, can I come by in a little bit? I need to shower.” I forgot about the notes. I was breaking a hundred guy codes going to her apartment alone, but whatever. I wasn’t interested in her like that, and I didn’t owe anyone anything. Screw rules.

“Just walk in. See you in a bit.” She bounced into her apartment and closed the door.

I dropped my soccer bag onto the floor and headed for the fridge, grabbing a beer on the way to the shower. Baylor’s name flashed on my phone again. A second later, a text popped up, begging me to call her and that she missed and loved me. Like a brother. I downed the beer, ignoring my phone, and hopped in the shower.

An hour later, after showering and eating some Top Ramen, I stood out front of Casen’s door with my notebook in hand. She said to just walk in, but I didn’t feel comfortable with that, so I knocked once. I heard her shout to come in through the door. She was sitting on the couch, still wearing the middle finger shirt, bending over some sketchbooks on the coffee table in front of her.

“You didn’t have to knock.” She didn’t look up.

I didn’t know how to respond.

“Dude, relax. My notes are on the kitchen table.”

“Thanks.” I sat down at the table and opened my notebook. Casen chewed on the end of a pencil while she stared at her sketchbook.

“What are you working on?”

She pulled the pencil out of her mouth and tossed it on the table. “Nothing, apparently,” she said as she threw herself back on the couch.

“Uh-huh.” I copied some of the notes.

“Lucas is such an ass. Did he tell you what he did?” She rolled her head my way.

“It’s none of my business.” I looked back to the notes.

“So he did tell you. I bet the whole team knows. Probably the whole school. I don’t even know why I care so much. He was a player before we met, and somehow he had me convinced he could change. That he wanted to change. For me.” She scoffed. “Such a fucking joke.”

My stomach knotted as she twisted her hair around her finger again.

“Are you siding with him? Is that why you won’t say anything?” She sat up, shooting me an accusing glare.

“Look, I get you’re upset, but I just got into town three days ago. I don’t know you or Lucas or anyone for that matter, so, no, I’m not taking sides, but I’m also not listening. I’m just here to play soccer and do my thing.”

Her eyes saddened and then she stood up and stomped over to me. I wasn’t sure if I needed to protect my face or my balls.

“I see through this, you know?” She waved over me. “You act like a total jerk, but you’re not.”

I sighed, jotting down the rest of the notes quickly, so I could get the hell out of here.

She tapped her foot impatiently and then dropped her crossed arms in defeat. “I’m designing T-shirts,” she answered my question from earlier.

“Cool. For a class?”

“No. For my dance studio. But the only thing I have been inspired to design is this,” she pointed to her stomach, “and I don’t think that’s the image they are going for.”

I laughed. “No, probably not.”

“So I’m pissed at Lucas for cheating, but I’m more pissed that I can’t do my job, because all I can think about is killing him.” She threw herself back on the couch.