Page 88 of Love MD

She brought her left hand up to tickle her fingers over the five o’clock shadow on my jaw. “That’s unfair.”

“What is?” I murmured with a smile.

“The whole supportive boyfriend deflection thing. You can’t seduce me into forgetting about your illicit activities with your sister and wanna be best friend detective.”

“Can’t I?” I challenged. I pulled her tight against my stomach with her legs straddling me.

She swallowed visibly. “I don’t know. I forgot what I was saying.”

I chuckled. “Do you trust me, June?”

Her eyes bounced between mine as a little pucker of worry formed between her brows. Finally, she smoothed her hand along the back of my neck, scratching deliciously along my skin with her nails as she threaded her fingers through my hair. Suddenly, she jerked my head close to her, her lips grazing mine as she whispered, “I do. But if you mess up my heart, I’m going to butcher you.”

I kissed her softly, smoothing my hands up the curve of her spine. “I’m an MD, Matthews. Your heart is in good hands.”

My phone buzzed on the counter next to us several more times, but I ignored it because June was busy devouring me, body and soul. She didn’t know yet, but I’d been able to finish the poem I had started in confusion weeks before. The words that had stuck fast behind fear and reluctance had finally found their way to the surface, and it was June who had unearthed them. I might have been the doctor, but June had the expert touch.

The simple way you smiled,

How it crinkled up your nose,

The complicated way you’re brilliant,

And your mind keeps me on my toes,

The effortless way you dance like dust in sunbeams

warms me to my core.

The pining way you’re the

missing piece

I couldn’t bring myself to look for.

Twenty Seven

Epilogue: June

Ifidgeted nervously in the back of the luxury car, pulling the gap in my long, maroon coat closed and swallowing a wave of nausea. Amos was going to kill me. Either he was going to kill me, or he was going to fuck me like I wanted, and there wasn’t a whole lot of gray area in between.

It was worth the risk.

The car slowed to a stop, and speak of the vampire overlord himself, Amos opened my door for me just outside the event center. He had an umbrella in his hand and held it over the car door opening to keep us both from getting drenched in the sunset rainstorm. “Hey, gorgeous,” he said with a silky smile.

I bit down a groan. My God, he was perfect. His wavy, black hair had been combed to the side and flicked over his left ear, and his dark eyes smoldered with heated promises as he raked them from my glossy curls to my red pumps. “Where did you get that?” he asked, looking at my coat.

“Uh, the mall,” I hedged. It wasn’t the coat he was going to notice in a minute. He’d sent a car to take me to a charity ball a local non-profit was holding for Children’s Primary Hospital, and in mid-October, I was definitely putting myself out there with this dress.

But drastic measures had to be taken.

He extended a hand, which I took gratefully because heels and I didn’t get along. Like he knew this, Amos kept a tight grip on my hand and threaded my arm through his. “Well, you look amazing. Thank you for agreeing to come to this thing. They’re horrifyingly boring, but the food is good.”

Like I cared. I mean, it was true that I was way out of my element with these people, and I’d never been to a ball where wealthy patrons pledged my yearly salary to hospitals like dropping change in a Ronald McDonald box at the drive-through. But I’d leaped at the chance to enact my evil plan:

The slow, decadent persuasion of Amos Brady.

I followed him up the stairs and into the posh event center, which had been decorated like a gilded fall gala with gold pumpkins, glittering leaves, and dancing candlelight. I followed Amos through a tall foyer and to a smaller reception area, and we wove through a sparse crowd. Amos stopped to talk to his colleagues, introducing me and garnering more than a few interested looks. I was ten years his junior, and I looked possibly younger than that, I knew. It was the whole big-eyed, lost doofus vibe I had going for me.