Page 61 of Love MD

“I honestly thought you were a vampire who sucked the blood of sacrificed virgins until like a week ago,” she said with a completely straight face. “I thought you were the villain.”

“June,” I said derisively, “I’vebeensucking on a virgin.”

She gasped, like she’d discovered my evil bat lair. “Youarea vampire.”

I nipped her neck. “Yes. Now get in the car before I get snacky.”

She gave me a knowing look before ducking under my arm and prancing to the passenger side door. “I like you snacky, Amos.”

I liked snacking, so that made two of us. As we fastened our seatbelts, June asked, “Okay, but for real, where are we going?”

“My house,” I said simply. She gave me two big, doe eyes, so I reluctantly added, “Unless you’d rather not.”

“No, no, I want to,” she said quickly. “I’m dying to know what your house is like. In my head,” she went on, scrunching her face like she was picturing it, “you have a moat, and when the doorbell rings, it just yells ‘go away,’ in an old man voice.”

I rolled my eyes over to her.

She cleared her throat, and the dash illuminated her green eyes like they were bioluminescent. “Okay, but in all seriousness, I was dreading being alone in my apartment all night. So, thank you.”

I frowned. “I thought you have a roommate.”

“I do, but she went—” June paused, narrowing her eyes at me. “Wait, how did you know I have a roommate?”

“You have a bad habit of blabbing about your personal life at work.”

Her narrowed gaze thinned to slits. “You just ate me out in exam room three,DoctorBrady. You’re one to talk.”

I rubbed a hand over my mouth, smiling. “Fair.”

“Anyway,” she emphasized wryly, “yes, I have a roommate, but she’s in Miami for three months.”

I felt my brow crease again. I had a weird feeling about June being alone. It grumbled in my stomach, but I couldn’t name the emotion. “When will she be back?”

“She just left last week. I didn’t think I would mind because we have our own bedrooms, but it’screepyby myself,” she said. “You know what I mean?”

“No,” I said honestly. I liked being alone. It was my favorite part of being an adult.

“Oh, yeah, I forgot you live with legions of the undead.”

“Keep cracking jokes, Cupcake,” I said, giving her an eyebrow raise. “I’ll introduce you to my dungeon.”

She cracked her knuckles with a sly smile. “Why don’t the legions of the undead fight each other?”

“Why?” I drawled.

“They don’t have the guts.”

“That’s it.” I pulled over on the deserted medical district road and lunged for her.

She cackled, putting her feet between us. “You promised a dungeon! You expect me to ignore that?”

I laughed low, unbuckling her seatbelt, and hauled her over the middle console to my lap. “You made the vampire snacky. Get over here.”

* * *

We managed to make it through the city with our clothes on, but it was a close call. June was driving me crazy with her smart mouth, and I wanted to shut her up with my tongue. Which I did. On the side of the road. But eventually, I had to gather some of my sense back to my head like reeling in a fishing line, and I plopped her back in her seat before I gave in and took her again in my car.

I clicked on my blinker in front of my building’s parking garage, and June made a dramatic gasping sound. “You live atthe Regent?” She pinned me with a shocked expression that was almost accusatory. “Do you peddle bitcoins on the side or something?”