Page 57 of Love MD

He snatched it from my hands and tossed it to a padded chair without looking. His gaze had zeroed in on me, darkened by shadows and silent fury. I took a subconscious step back, but he latched his fingers around my wrist and yanked me against his body. “Change of plans,” he said, his voice so low I felt my bones purr.

“Yeah?” I asked. I did an up-down of his smooth but clearly perturbed expression. Wait, was this some kind of role play? Had I missed a message from him?

“We’re going to play another game,” he said softly.

Excitement bolted through me. “Yeah?” I asked hopefully.

“The game is, I teach you a lesson, and you guess the question.”

I blinked. That sounded… ominous. “Okay,” I said slowly, drawing it out uncertainly.

“What’s your safe word?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

I gulped. “Syrup?”

“Good girl. Get on the table.”

My lips parted with uncertainty. I pointed to the exam table. “The… that table?”

He nodded once.

My nerves ratcheted up like the jerky ascent on a belay wall.Yank, yank, yankwent my nerves like I’d been harnessed up and someone was bodily hefting me to the top of some unknown height. I used the step stool to climb onto the table, and the paper under me crackled like static. I settled myself on it and let my feet swing. “Okay, now what?”

“Lie down,” he said, arms folded again and watching me.

I frowned. “You don’t look very happy about this game.”

“Do you want to play, or not?”

“Okay, okay,” I muttered, lying back on the paper so I looked up at the drop ceiling tiles. My nervousness made me lift my head and suddenly ask, “Okay, but if I’m not a fan of whatever you’re doing, you’ll stop, right?”

“Always,” he said seriously. There was a good dollop of earnestness in the promise, too, and I relaxed into the paper.

“Okay. I trust you.”

“Actually, you don’t,” he said, moving finally and kicking his physician’s stool over to my knees. “Which is why we’re playing. The more trust you have, the more… gratifying it will be.”

Giddiness bubbled up and popped like champagne bubbles in my chest. “Okay.”

Amos nudged the stool with his foot in front of the table at my feet, but he didn’t sit on it. He leaned over me, his large hands forming warm cuffs over my cold wrists. He bent until his lips kissed mine. My eyes fluttered closed as I marveled at the silky-smooth texture of his mouth on mine. I sighed into the kiss, and then he slowly pulled away. “I’ve been wanting to do that all day,” he admitted.

“Me too.”

Amos gave me another lingering kiss before he lifted his head and caught my gaze in the semi-darkness. “Okay, here are the rules of the game.”

“You really like rules,” I drawled. “You should have been a teacher.”

“One,” he continued, ignoring me, “you keep your body absolutely relaxed. No flexing. No tensing. No curling your toes or closing your knees. If you tense up, I start over.”

His words caused an ache to build between my thighs already. “Start over what?”

“Rule two,” he barreled on, “I’m ignoring literally everything out of your mouth that isn’t your safe word.”

I gaped, speechless.

“Rule three, you come when I say you come. No exceptions.”

Oh shit, I’m in over my head,I thought with sudden panic.I should have told him. I should tell him now. But… if I tell him… he’ll stop.And I was dying of curiosity.