Page 40 of Love MD

“No,” I huffed unconvincingly. I backed up a few steps until my legs hit the edge of the bed. “I was… I was going to get revenge. You know… for the honey.”

“I might have believed that if you weren’t the worst liar in the last century,” he said, his advance toward me unhurried.

I swallowed against a dry throat. “Well, it’s not exactly what it looks like?”

He tilted his head. “Was that a question?”

“It’s, uh…” My brain erupted into a frenzied panic like a room full of stockbrokers during a crashing stock market.

He took lazy, long-legged strides until he stood a foot from me. He plunked the dark brown bottle onto my nightstand. My heart went zero to sixty in two seconds. Amos looked like he might be fighting a smile. “I’m dying of curiosity, Matthews. What, exactly was the plan here?”

Shame slithered over my disappointment, a gooey earthworm writhing and defenseless. “Well, I don’t like honey, so I thought—it made sense in the moment.”

He closed the remaining distance between us until the heat from his body sizzled against my frozen skin. He bent down to close the considerable gap in our heights and tilted his head, his breath caressing my jawline. “Do you want me to lick chocolate off your body, June?”

I hiccupped with a sharp intake of breath. I stared at his chest and wanted so badly to lay my palm on the firm dip and rise of his muscles. “Yeah,” I admitted.

Amos pushed my chin up with his knuckles, forcing me to look him in his molten dark eyes. “I want to hear you say it, then.” He inched forward and hovered his lips above mine. “What do you want, June?”

My stomach swooped and bottomed out. My eyes danced all over his features, so close to mine I could see each rough dot of stubble on his smooth jaw and the scar below his full lower lip. With my eyes transfixed on his, I whispered, “I want you.”

He pulled my chin higher, bringing me so close to his lips, I could practically feel their softness. “Want me how?” he asked roughly.

“I want you to fuck me, Amos.”

White flashed from his brief grin, and then his lips slid over mine. And, oh God. They were everything I remembered. Full and warm, and then commanding as he fit his lower lip to the seam between mine before moving languorously with deep, insistent strokes. Slowly, he coaxed my lips open until he could run his tongue along the inside of my lower lip. His left hand cupped my face while his right reached around and grabbed my ass, pressing me hard against his erection. A sighing moan escaped me.

I felt his smile against my lips. “I really should have better self-control than to do this.”

“No,” I breathed, rising on tiptoes and wrapping my arms around the back of his neck. “You really, really shouldn’t.”

“You pretty much doomed me to failure when you came out with your ass hanging out of your shorts.”

I gasped, pulling back with a teasing reprimand. “Language.”

Amos lifted me at the waist, gently, and then laid me back on the bed, hovering over me with his knee between my legs and his forearms on either side of my head. He dipped a kiss to my neck that sent a flutter straight to my nipples. “I forgot to mention,” he murmured, his breath hot against my throat as he dragged his nose up to my jaw where he whispered another kiss. “I only curse when I fuck. And June,” he brought his mouth back to mine with a scorching kiss. “I’m going to fuck you.”



Ishivered with anticipation at the promise of his words.Yes! I thought with elation that threatened to steal my breath with its intensity.Yes, yes, yes!

Amos kissed me again, this time hot and needy, and his tongue delved deep in my mouth, flicking, sliding, and then retreating as he sucked my bottom lip between his teeth. It hurt, and at the same time, nothing had ever felt so good.

When he lifted his head, I followed, desperate for more. He bit my lip lightly and nuzzled a sensitive spot beneath my jaw with his nose. “June, I don’t know what type of men you’ve been with…”


“… but I might be a littlemorethan you’re used to.”

Breathless and drunk on lust, I blinked at him with glazed eyes. “More what?”

He tilted his face to the side and scratched one cheek. “I wouldn’t call my proclivities banal.” I twisted my face into a, “huh?” look. He huffed a laugh, running his tongue along my upper lip before kissing me deeply again. Against my mouth he murmured, “I’m a far cry from vanilla.”

“Oh,” I wisped out.I literally don’t know what that means, but it sounds so fucking yummy.Not wanting to outright lie, I said, “I have no interest in vanilla men.”

He raised his head, searching my expression.