Page 21 of Love MD

“Oh, but you would have,” he said, moving the stream of honey up my navel toward my ribcage.

I squealed.

With his left hand still holding my wrists, he brought our hands down, pressing my own fingers over my lips to silence me. Amos righted the honey bottle, bending close to our joined hands. Whispering low, he said, “Andrews is dead to the world with a CPAP machine on his face and four months of newborn sleep deprivation to keep him knocked out, but if you wake him up, he’s going to make assumptions you can’t take back.”

I swallowed hard, my chest heaving.

He pinned my arms up again. “Now, where were we?”



June Matthews either craved punishment or lacked common sense, and as she lay stretched out underneath me, I had to wonder which combination of the two had convinced her to sneak into my cabin.

I glanced at the honey glistening on her soft belly and the bright flush of her cheeks. Fifty-fifty. Definitely an even dose of both.

She was so short, I barely had to stretch my arm out to keep her pinned beneath me—and I didn’t care what kind of man that made me, but I liked it. Laid on display for my perusal, I noted how full her breasts were, how soft her curves dipped in and flared out, rounding out over a stomach just soft enough to be mouth-watering, and then down to generous hips that felt like fitting a puzzle piece between my legs. Her flaming, tightly coiled hair had been spread out underneath her like she was some kind of mythical fire nymph, and her full lips parted with dread as she stared up at me.

If she weren’t drunk…

I abandoned that thought.Eyes on the prize, Amos.And what was the prize?

The slow, decadent torture of June Matthews.

June turned her head, looking around the room like she might find some means of escape.Oh no, you don’t, I thought with dark satisfaction.You’re mine, now.

I tipped the bottle of honey again, marveling at the sheer brilliance of her plan, in actuality. Honey was innocuous but justannoyingenough that it would have really pissed me off. And the bugs actually might have eaten off my face before I had realized anything.

Ifshe had been stealthy. Which, she hadn’t. I’d heard her coming all the way down the path, staggering, tripping up my steps, fumbling with the doorknob, and then shuffling inside. She had probably thought she was a shadow wraith come to life, but that was alcohol for you.

Still, I had given her the chance to retreat. It was only when she had been a hair’s breadth from carrying out her evil plan that I had retaliated.

Frankly, I should’ve felt thankful for the chance she’d given me to dose out some much-needed punishment her way. She’d been driving me absolutely insane these last three weeks.

“Amos,” she hissed, her eyes glued to the bead of honey that hovered just shy of dribbling back onto her skin.

“Yes?” I asked innocently.

Thick, amber liquid oozed in a thin stream from the bear’s head onto her ribcage.

She groaned, pulling a disgusted face. “Stop! I promise I’ll leave you alone!”

I drizzled it back and forth like I was dressing a scone.

She squealed, muted from behind closed lips. “I’ll be the best secretary in Utah, I swear.”

I moved it up to her breasts, over her shirt, and swirled it in circles all the way up to her cleavage.

She gagged, watching the sticky substance drip down her skin. “Amos, Ihatehoney! It makes me barfy.Please.”

I paused, tipping the container back up and giving her an incredulous look. “You’re making that up.”

“I’m not,” she rushed to answer, her chest heaving as she fought futilely against my grip. “I threw up peanut butter honey protein balls when I was a kid,” she said quickly, lifting her head as well as she could with her wrists pinned. A tendril of her auburn curls escaped from over her shoulder and fell across the curve of her cheek. She blew it sideways to get it out of her eyes.

“So, what you’re saying,” I replied slowly, doing my best to keep my features blank, “is that this is ten times more excruciating than I’d hoped it would be.”

Her jaw hinged open.