Page 63 of Love MD

“Yes, you are,” she smiled softly. “But I like you the way you are.”

My pulse shot through the roof as her words began a loop in my head.I like you… I like you…

“Well, it’s not like I can judge much,” she admitted, and laid her cheek on her knees. “I only let people get so far. I don’t know why—I just hit a wall and don’t let them get too close.”

That surprised me. She seemed like she had friends coming out of her ears. But quantity and quality weren’t necessarily correlative. “I guess the nuclear family isn’t always the recipe for success, then,” I teased. “Even if they are good Mormons.”

“You knowwaytoo much about my personal life, Brady,” she said suspiciously.

“You talk way too loudly in the lobby,” I countered, lowering my voice and leaning close to her.

“That’s because I’m not a robot,” she challenged, mirroring me and bringing her nose close to mine.

“I thought I was a vampire.”

“Robot vampire,” she said seriously.

I kissed the tip of her nose. “Thank you for clarifying that.”

“Anytime.” She hopped down from the stool, peering around my living room and then pausing in front of the window wall to take in the glittering city lights. “This is an amazing view.” She swished her hand like she had a paintbrush in it. “I want to paint it.”

“Bring your paints with you next time,” I suggested as I came to stand next to her.

She looked at me in surprise. “Next time?” she echoed.

There is no way in Hell I’m letting you get away,I thought.Yes, next time. And the time after that.Out loud, I shrugged and said, “Anytime you want.”

“Okay,” she smiled. Turning back to the view, she sighed. “Well, as cool as this is, we have work in the morning.”

“True,” I agreed. “Although, I’m not sure what that has to do with my view.”

“I mean, I should get a ride home,” she pointed out, like I was stupid. Quickly, she added, “Not that I’m telling you to do that. I was just saying I should go.”

I rubbed the side of my nose in annoyance. “Matthews, remind me how many men you’ve been with before?”

“None, as you know,” she groused, folding her arms.

“Right. So, if a man asks you to come to his apartmentverylate at night,” I explained, shifting my body so I could pull her against me. “Then it’s probably because he wants you to stay the night.”

She gave me her best “how dare you” glare. “I’mawareof how adults do adulting, Doctor Hoity-Toity.”

“Are you sure?” I teased, squeezing her against me. “Because you were about to blow me off, Cupcake.”

“And I suppose women simply don’t blow off the amazing Amos, do they?” she drawled. The city lights had cast a blue glow on the left side of her delicate features, and the right shone warm with the lights from the kitchen.

I kneaded the muscles along the base of her spine, slowly working my way up and bending down to whisper, “No, they don’t. Because guess what spine surgeons arereallygood at?”

“What?” she whispered back, her slight frame already beginning to melt into my arms.

“Back massages.”

She groaned, but instead of letting her head fall forward, she tipped it back. “Wait, is that code for some spicy chocolate sex thing?”

I laughed. “What?”

She waved her hand between us. “You know, like… doggy-style or something.”

“Oh my God,” I groaned, laughing still, and then pulling her tightly to me. “Just shut up, June. Please.”