Page 56 of Love MD

And I really liked that idea.



Ileaned against the wall, my heart banging around in my chest like a ricocheting tennis ball. Junemother cluckingMatthews. Just when I thought I had found my footing with that red-haired imp, she sent me careening off-kilter the other way.

She had been a virgin?

I pinched the bridge of my nose as she continued her conversation with Maxine, oblivious to the fact that I was on the other side of the door that separated the lobby from the nurse’s station.News flash, June. The doors aren’t soundproof, you doofus.

“… not sure I had a typical orgasm,” June’s voice admitted. “I had to force it.”

My eyes bulged open.What?

Maxine commiserated with her, but all I could think was that I’d had the best sex of my life and Junethe virginhad gotten in her own head and hadn’t had a decent orgasm.

I gritted my teeth and forced myself to stay still. Forget the honey prank. Forget the puke I’d had to clean up on my own. Forget the moose and the stupid stunt in the tree that had bottomed my heart out of my stomach. This was so much worse, and if she thought I’d been punishing before, then she had no idea what she was in for. That cupcake was toast, now.

I was supposed to be in surgery, but the patient had gotten a case of COVID, and at the last minute, needed to cancel. Something June would have known if she’d been paying attention to her computer instead of talking about our sex life. I was still in my scrubs and had come down from the surgical wing to let her know I’d be ready early. I looked down at my dark blue pants and tapped my surgical cap soundlessly against my thigh.I don’t want vanilla,she’d said.

The absolute irony is that I’d gone as vanilla as it got for me because my instincts had warned me that she didn’t know what the hell a “dark chocolate and chili powder” fuck would even look like.

“… don’t need him to show me anything. I’ve read romance novels. I get the gist,” June said with way more confidence than she ought to have.

I felt my features darken.Is that right?

“You’d better not let him hear you say that,” Maxine cautioned.

Too late. She’s screwed.I looked around as my brain revved up with irresistible ways to teach June a few well-deserved lessons about honesty. There were endless possibilities, but I had a perfect one in mind.

Lesson one: Be careful what you ask for.



Iwent to the staff bathroom to touch up my makeup and get a grip on my nerves before going on an honest-to-God date with Amos Brady. I stared at my reflection with a purposefully goofy face twisting my features. I’d fluffed up my eyelashes with mascara and re-applied blush, wishing for the hundredth time in my adult life that I could use pink and not earth tones. Every time I did, the pink clashed with my hair and freckles, and I looked like a Golden Girl.

I zhuzhed my hair a little, plucking a few curls out from the mass to frame my face, and thanked my lucky stars I’d woken up early enough to shower and use the diffuser. My dress was the best thing in my closet, too. I guess I’d been feeling the need for courage this morning. Even if I’d been able to get over my misgivings with Amos, the interaction with Archer in his house had left me decidedly unsettled. I couldn’t say why, though. He hadn’t done anything wrong.

Pushing the encounter from my mind, I popped my lips together to spread my lip gloss around, did a little turn in the mirror, and decided that it was as good as it got for me. Amos would be finishing up soon, and while he probably wanted to shower and get dressed, I’d be ready when he was.

A text dinged on my phone, and to my surprise, it was Amos from his personal phone to mine. It was the first real text we’d had.

Amos: Come to exam room 3.

I frowned at the screen. Why was he in the exam room? I checked the time. And early? Weird. Maybe something had gone wrong with his patient.

As I walked out of the bathroom and idly made my way through the nurse’s station to the exam room, I scrolled through different text tones I could give Brady instead of the default one. I grinned with an evil chuckle as I foundToccata and Fugue in D Minor. Dracula theme song. Still looking at my phone as I tapped on the screen to set the ringtone to his number, I leaned my elbow down on the lever handle to open the heavy door. I pushed it open with my hip and stepped into the dark exam room.

Shadows enveloped me as the door slammed shut. I jumped, looking up from my phone. Amos was leaning against the counter in his navy scrubs, and his arms were folded tighter than his scowl.

I paused, phone still lighting the darkness as I looked around, confused. “What’s this?”

He switched on a small task light in the corner before saying, “Give me your phone.” He held out a bare, toned arm.

I complied mindlessly, all thoughts wiped clean by his tone.I don’t know what I did,I thought as I stepped forward and handed over my phone.But I definitely fucked up.